“I just don’t get 8 hours of sleep,” the text reply came back to my phone. “I mean, I don’t understand it.”

I was having some fun banter with a friend about how our days were going, when I mentioned “I got a good eight hours of sleep last night.”

We are all a little different, and getting the sleep you need is really not about a fixed number of hours as much it’s about knowing what you need and being consistent in getting it.

Welcome to post number three on self-care. Today I’ll go a little deeper into physical self-care.

Physical self-care is about taking care of your body, so it can serve you well.

Get enough quality sleep.

Quality is the key here. It’s been said, that seven to nine hours of sleep is the healthy number of hours for an adult (not an affiliate link) and each person may need different amounts. Most of us have a time we need to wake up for work or other duties, so plan time you go to sleep well. Here are a few tips to help you get quality sleep.

  • Don’t eat too late. Eat dinner at least two and half or three hours before going bed.
  • Schedule a wind-down time. Possibly start your routine an hour before going to bed.
  • Take a shower to relax.
  • Stay hydrated, rink a glass of water and keep one by your bed in case you wake up in the nigh and need it.
  • Read an enjoyable book not related to work.
  • Put some music on with a timer to turn it off once you are asleep.
  • Try using an app to monitor your sleep and understand your sleep cycles better. I life Sleep Cycle (not affiliated) for iPhone.

Nourish your body with the healthful food your body needs to be healthy and strong.

There are many schools of thought on this and it can sometimes be confusing to figure out what is best. One simple tip to pay attention to your body and how the food you eat makes you feel. Here are a few ideas I personally work with in the area of nutrition.

  • Look for nutritious whole grain products when shopping for bread or other starches.
  • Have at least one big serving of vegetables a day.
  • Eat fruit throughout the day.
  • Stock your pantry with healthy snacks. I like raw almonds, figs, apricots, and peanut butter.
  • Include legumes in your selection of proteins.
  • Eat fish at least 2 times per week. Fish is high in Omega 3 and healthy for your brain.

Drink enough water to keep you body functioning well.

I posted an infographic on this a while back. You can check out the details of the effects of dehydration in that post.

  1. Indulge and get yourself a water bottle you really like.
  2. Keep it close at all times.
  3. Add flavor to it, perhaps a squeeze of lemon or orange.
  4. Set a reminder or get an app on you phone to help you get into the habit.

Exercise to reduce stress and keep your body full of energy and vitality.

The body is unlike any machine on planet. Most machines wear out with use. You know, if you have a car, the more you drive the more your car breaks down from wear and tear. For most of our lives, the more we use our body correctly, the stronger and healthier it gets. You can even push back aging with healthy exercise.

I explored some interesting insights on how how exercise makes you happier and smarter in a previous posts. Here are the main tips you can use make exercise a regular part of your life.


Love your body – be happy about your body and appreciate your body.

How often have you looked at or thought about your body and felt disappointed by it or ashamed of it. “My belly is too…,” or “I hate how I look,” may be part of your vocabulary. You body responds to the thoughts you believe about it. Try a little self love an notice the impact it can have on your physical health.

Louise Hay has spent a lifetime documenting the mind body connection as it pertains to our thoughts about our bodies. After years of observation she has compiled hundreds of affirmations which help you to change the way you think about your body and the effect this change of thought can have. I have her affirmations book Love Your Body on my Kindle and I use it as a cue to adjust my thinking when I notice something is not working well.  (Read Love Your Body)

[reminder]What is one way you could start caring for you body this month? How can you make that change a lasting part of your life?[/reminder]