Screw What You Want, Go for Bliss

I don’t ever want to hear another success or personal development quote again. When I get FRUSTRATED by seeing so many cliche quotes and sayings out there, I FEEL that way.

If I was to follow them all, I’d never DO anything.

But then, all you need is just the right one to CONNECT to exactly the results you’re looking for.

If there is one I’d have to pick, it would be:

[shareable cite=”George Addair”]’Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the OTHER SIDE of fear.'[/shareable]

Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear.

Bet you anything, thing tripping you up is the word “WANT.” “I’m easy going. I don’t want anything,” would just be an excuse for not FACING your fears.

It is like that sometimes. Remember my story about rollercoasters? I didn’t WANT TO FEEL the fear of dropping and rolling.

What most people don’t realize is that there is an amazing reward when overcoming most fears. What we think we want is rarely what we DEEPLY DESIRE. It’s just beyond your fears.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]What we think we want is rarely what we deeply desire. Move beyond your fears.[/shareable]

What we think we want is rarely what we deeply desire. Let's conquer our fears.

It’s hard to describe until you’ve DONE it, but the bliss of swimming effortlessly in the water, the happiness of having and raising children, the rush of riding a roller coaster, the accelerated heart rate at the moment of a first kiss are worth any fear or apprehension.

You may or may not have been interested in any of these things, but if you’re like most of, I know you’ve ENJOYED the EFFECT or you will.

Are you hesitating? So? Step out anyway.

Do that thing you’ve wanted to do or take up that CHALLENGE you say you don’t want. You’ll love connecting to the BLISS you’ve been missing.

[reminder]See you on the other side of fear. I’d love to hear YOUR story.[/reminder]

I love Will Smith’s story.

[youtube id=”yvkawQkkfj8″]

[shareable]I free myself from all destructive fears and doubts. #affirmation[/shareable]

25 Inspiring Quotes for When You Need More Courage

Asking for that raise, working through the rough times in a relationship, smiling when you feel like crying, being there for others when they don’t notice, or putting yourself out there everyday because you believe in what you are doing takes courage.

It all comes down to having the courage to be who you are and be willing to see something through because you believe in what you are doing.


Courage is going ahead in spite of fear. – Abe Stone


Why You Can’t Make It to… Your Dream

Did he say, “YOU CAN’T do that. You won’t make any money that way”? Maybe she laughed when you told her how much you wanted to try something out.

Stop and consider the fact that you are on a different PATH than they are.

Sure, it may not work, if they did it… but you are not them.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Sure, it may not work, if they did it… but you are not them.[/shareable]

Heck, they may have tried and it didn’t work.

There’s a story in which business professors Gary Hamel and C. K. Parahalad wrote about a group monkeys that had been put through an experiment.

They placed the monkeys in a room with a pole, and at the top of the pole there was bunch of bananas. Every time one of the monkeys climbed up, they sprayed it with cold water just before it reached the bananas.

Each one tried several times until they all GAVE UP.

The person saying it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it. Chinese Proverb

They then replaced one of the monkeys with a monkey which had not been sprayed with water. As it climbed the pole, the other monkey, who knew about the water, pulled it down.

The new monkey eventually gave up.

Then they switched another new monkey with another one which had been sprayed. The same thing happened, but the new monkey who had come just before it joined in pulling this second monkey down.

They eventually exchanged all of the monkeys, until none of the original monkeys which had been showered with water were left in the room.

Though they DIDN’T KNOW WHY, all the monkeys would still pull down any NEW monkey which tried to go for the bananas.

Just think about it, WHO is stopping you? Remember, they may have their story but now it’s time to live your story.

Stop listening to the naysayers.

Expect to have to PERSIST past obstacles.

Go bananas! 😉

[shareable cite=”Chinese Proverb”]The person saying it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it. #quote[/shareable]
[shareable]I succeed because I meet resistance with persistence #affirmation[/shareable]

4 Things to Remember When Negative Family Members Threaten Your Joy

You can choose your friends but you can’t choose your family. Family can be a strength, a blessing, and a source of support, but what about those times when family seems to be holding you back or bringing you down?

With the exception of dangerous or life threatening situations, you often have to come to terms with the fact that they will be in your life. Howbeit you don’t have to resign yourself to being miserable about it.

In this Video:

00:18 – How Family Might Be Bringing You Down
01:08 – This Brings Positive Energy Into the Moment
02:00 – Bonus Tip: Energy Shifting Tool
02:26 – Do This and Things Will Never Change
02:56 – It’s Tough But Doable
03:10 – This Time Proven Action Step Works
03:36 – You Need This to Turn Those Relationships Around
04:07 – Book Recommendation: The 5 Love Languages
05:05 – Quote from – Lindsay Vonn
05:24 – Affirmation to Move You Forward

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2 Things to Remember When People Make You Angry

Hey, they deserve what they have coming. Right? Feeling angry? It’s just NOT FAIR how some people mouth off and then you have to put them in their place.

Some people love getting under other people’s skin but some people are not really wanting to make people angry. I know, it can look like that sometimes and getting PAST that is not so hard, though it does take some effort. So how do you handle it, when people seem to push all your anger buttons?

In this Video:

00:23 – Good Communication May Be Saying Nothing At All
01:00 – How to Process Overwhelming Anger
02:00 – A Simple Tool for Quickly Processing Your Emotions
02:13 – The Temptation that Will Never Help
02:50 – Quote from – Yotam Ottolenghi
03:05 – Affirmation to Move You Forward

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100 People Who Prove It’s Not Too Late For You To Start Something New [Infographic]

Do you ever get that feeling sometimes that you missed an opportunity? Chances are, you’re probably over 30 and you feel like maybe you could have done something different with your life, or you really wanted to do something but you never got a chance to start.

Maybe you’re over 40 and you say “Oh, there’s no point in starting anything now, there’s no point in doing something new now.”

In this Video:

00:15 – Which One Best Describes You?
00:52 – Chinese Proverb
01:12 – Quote from – F. Scott Fitzgerald
01:30 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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How to Overcome Obstacles Using Reframing Practically

Can your hear it now? “This cup half-full, half-empty bull manure doesn’t help, when I have a real problem. Positive thinking doesn’t help to overcome obstacles that are real.”

I think I’d have to agree with you, that you can’t leave it to positive thinking. Action is needed and thinking about a problem with positive reframing may hold the answers to your questions and the solutions to your problems. The mind is powerful when you learn to be in charge.

In this Video:

00:10 – A Question From One of You
01:53 – Three Areas You May Want to Try Reframing In
03:03 – Three Principles at Play When Reframing
05:07 – A Practical Positive Reframing Tool You Can Use to Solve Problems Today
06:34 – Quote from Wade Boggs
06:50 – Affirmation to Rewire Your Thinking

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Become Unstoppable by Aligning These 3 Things

I’m thrilled to give you a peek into a coach’s toolkit today. Have you ever wondered how coaches help clients to find sure footing on the path to reaching their goals? Creating alignment in three key areas puts you on a potentially unstoppable course to achieving your desired results.

When aligned, values, beliefs,  and goals are a trailblazing trio.
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