How to KEEP connected to what MATTERS, in spite of the holiday season

Hi friends! I hope you had a FUN week with Halloween spooks and DRESS UP parties.

This post is for everyone but I want to give a quick shout out to ANYONE who is in transition. Good luck and STAY focused.

You may remember that I’m in currently transition, moving from China to US. During this PROCESS I’ve been working very hard to keep my focus on the big picture but now the holiday is upon us already.

ALL OF US can tend to  feel overwhelmed once the HOLIDAY SEASON hits. There just seems to be one event after the other with increasing demands on our TIME and WALLET.

It can be so easy to slip into AUTOPILOT and let everything and everyone else’s demands crowd out our PRIORITIES and our GOALS. Getting through the holiday’s with your integrity intact requires some focus and that focus needs to be on YOUR VISION.

How do I do that? How can YOU do that? Watch and find out.


P.S.  I’m reading and awesome book called The POWER of HABIT. It’s amazing. I’ll be sharing some of the insights I’ve connected to in upcoming but if you wanna read just click here. 🙂

Why You Can’t Make It to… Your Dream

Did he say, “YOU CAN’T do that. You won’t make any money that way”? Maybe she laughed when you told her how much you wanted to try something out.

Stop and consider the fact that you are on a different PATH than they are.

Sure, it may not work, if they did it… but you are not them.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Sure, it may not work, if they did it… but you are not them.[/shareable]

Heck, they may have tried and it didn’t work.

There’s a story in which business professors Gary Hamel and C. K. Parahalad wrote about a group monkeys that had been put through an experiment.

They placed the monkeys in a room with a pole, and at the top of the pole there was bunch of bananas. Every time one of the monkeys climbed up, they sprayed it with cold water just before it reached the bananas.

Each one tried several times until they all GAVE UP.

The person saying it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it. Chinese Proverb

They then replaced one of the monkeys with a monkey which had not been sprayed with water. As it climbed the pole, the other monkey, who knew about the water, pulled it down.

The new monkey eventually gave up.

Then they switched another new monkey with another one which had been sprayed. The same thing happened, but the new monkey who had come just before it joined in pulling this second monkey down.

They eventually exchanged all of the monkeys, until none of the original monkeys which had been showered with water were left in the room.

Though they DIDN’T KNOW WHY, all the monkeys would still pull down any NEW monkey which tried to go for the bananas.

Just think about it, WHO is stopping you? Remember, they may have their story but now it’s time to live your story.

Stop listening to the naysayers.

Expect to have to PERSIST past obstacles.

Go bananas! 😉

[shareable cite=”Chinese Proverb”]The person saying it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it. #quote[/shareable]
[shareable]I succeed because I meet resistance with persistence #affirmation[/shareable]

20 of the Best Motivational Quotes Ever, to Get Your Work in Action (Infographic)

Why do some days just seem to be low on the motivation scale and you keep hoping another cup of coffee will turn things around? The reasons will be as varied as anyone who answers this questions.

One thing is for sure, your mental game is where this one is played out and the battle is won or lost. So, here are some quotes to give you that motivational shot of mental espresso.

In this Video:

00:09 – When Your is Life a Drag
00:38 – Get Your Shot of Mental Espresso
00:57 – When You Cry
00:00 – Quote from – Mike Ditka
00:00 – Affirmation to Move You Forward

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How To Challenge Your Problem and Stop Feeling Stuck In Life

Sometimes family presents us with incredible joy and sometimes we just feel stuck and in pain. Do you have a marriage situation you just can’t get out of, or are you nursing a child through an illness you just can’t beat? No one enjoys feeling stuck in life.

I remember sharing a video about a woman who lost her legs to a sudden disease. Stories like that, where a person comes through and has an amazing life, in spite of circumstances can be inspiring, but what about our own situations? – Less extreme? Perhaps, but just as challenging and possibly even more painful to live with.


In this Video:

00:21 – When You Just Can’t Change the Circumstances
01:11 – Using Reframing on the Other Side of the Coin
01:40 – “The Good Wife” Star With Parkinson’s Disease
03:09 – The Key To Acceptance (not resignation)
03:45 – A Guided Meditation (Release Technique)
05:47 – Quote from Michael J. Fox
05:58 – Affirmation to Help You Through Your Problems

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How to Reevaluate Your Plan To Reach Your Goals and Dreams

The worst thing is nearing your deadline and then throwing in the towel because you didn’t meet it. A lot of us do that when we reach the end of the and evaluate where we’re at on your plans for the year.

Why wait till the end of the year, when you don’t really have enough time to do anything about it? Take some time now to see where things stand and up your game before the end of the year. Check out how I’m doing this.

In this Video:

00:45 – Just This Might Make the Difference in Reaching Your Goals
01:27 – 5 Tips To Set You Up for Success
02:52 – Hot Tip: Use Reminders
03:54 – My Personal Plan For Accountability and Change This Year!
04:42 – Quote from Larry Elder
04:57 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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How To Recharge Your Mind’s Vitality Before Work

How does pounding down cup after cup of coffee just to stay in the game sound to you? Though I do love the taste of a good cup of coffee, burning through my energy reserves on overdrive is not a sustainable plan.

Does that midday lull in your energy cramp you work and productivity? Being at the top of my game as I start my workday, is something I count on.

In this Video:

00:40 – Why you might be able to expect
02:13 – Why exactly?
02:16 – How Exercise Connects to Your Work
02:41 – Two Simple Tips That Could Work for You
03:29 – Try Underachieving (What?)
04:00 – J. F. K. had the right idea
04:16 – A Power Affirmation to Move You Forward

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Find Your Key To Experiencing Unstoppable Progress Toward Your Goal

It can be embarrassing, or at least discouraging, to set a goal, work towards it, and and fail to reach it. At some point, in anything that we are doing, there seems to be a challenge getting started and staying focused.

You want to build up that momentum and somehow you seem to lose it almost as soon as you get started. What do you do in situations like this?

In this Video:

00:20 – Losing Momentum
00:40 – The Power of Momentum
01:00 – My Fitness Journey
01:36 – Where the Journey Would Die
02:02 – Engineering Success
04:12 – Make Small Attainable Targets
04:30 – Two Things You Need To Have
05:00 – Quote from Tony Robins
05:12 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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How Exercise Makes You Happier and Smarter

What can you do to stop feeling guilty about your level of fitness? Only recently have I finally started to get into the best shape of my life and I’m 42 years old.

I hear you saying, “Setting and accomplishing a goal like this is tough.” I’ll give you some tips you can start using today, which have turned my life around. Before I do, can you guess what is one of the biggest factors that made this change in my life possible? (more…)