It can be embarrassing, or at least discouraging, to set a goal, work towards it, and and fail to reach it. At some point, in anything that we are doing, there seems to be a challenge getting started and staying focused.

You want to build up that momentum and somehow you seem to lose it almost as soon as you get started. What do you do in situations like this?

In this Video:

00:20 – Losing Momentum
00:40 – The Power of Momentum
01:00 – My Fitness Journey
01:36 – Where the Journey Would Die
02:02 – Engineering Success
04:12 – Make Small Attainable Targets
04:30 – Two Things You Need To Have
05:00 – Quote from Tony Robins
05:12 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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We’ve all experienced those times when  we have something that we want to do, we want to change a habit, we want to build a new habit or reach a new goal or something that we really want to get done or we really want to make a change.


So, what we do is that we set a goal, we start to work towards it,  and then it just somehow fizzles out. We don’t get anywhere. It seems that either the old inertia keeps us stuck or our the momentum of an old habit just won’t stops.

Hi, this is Abe Stone, a life design coach from

Today, I want to talk about that very thing and it is the power of momentum, the power of habit and specifically focused on the momentum, on how momentum works and how you can use momentum to your advantage to turn this very frustrating situation around.

My Fitness Journey

First, let me tell you a story, it is about myself and my own fitness journey over the last couple of years and there was something that I noticed. I think it is about three or four years ago now that I paid attention to this and it really turned things around for me.

I realized that as I make a plan for my fitness – maybe its a matter of filling up my workout days or maybe about changing a workout to longer ones or my present goal is to lose my belly completely, with the idea of getting a six pack and I am well on my way.

The thing is that as I looked at those goals very often I would start working towards it and then something would happen and the main thing derailed the progress that I was making was… I would lose momentum.

I would be going good guns. I would do a week of workouts and then I would be on my second week or maybe on my third week something would come up and it would interrupt one of my workout days and when that day was interrupted and the next day, I would let another day go by and then another day.

I noticed this pattern and I realized that this was what was derailing me.

Engineer Your Success

So what I did was, I engineered it in a way that it was very difficult for me to let that momentum of failure counter my momentum of progress and I will explain it quickly.

The idea was this: in a seven day week I would plan to have three workouts. From what I understood and the changes that I needed to make, it was a goal that I was going to benefit from. It was worth it. So, if I workout three days in a week great. I always started the first day with a work out. I made sure never to miss that. It was my day off. So, that was were I started the on my day off. That workout got in.

And then I would skip a day and then have another workout. I’d skip another day and have another workout.

If for some reason I could not get it in on the second day, I knew I had some wiggle room. I’d have to hustle to get the next two days in, but my focus was on two more days, getting those two days in so, even though I would drop one day, I would get it in the next day and I’d still be hitting my goal.

Being able to reach that goal consistently was very exciting. It was very fulfilling for me. I continued  to do that and managed to continue for a year and a half  without missing a week of workouts. I did have some months that I would be out, for some illness or I had to take a trip and it just didn’t fit in. But would come back and I was excited to get back in because I knew I was able to do it and I was consistent.

New Goals

More recently, I had a tweak and I was able to change it so that I do thirty minutes of workout a day and that has really stepped up my progress quite a bit. Because I had that experience to build on, I was able make it a habit and I’ve got that momentum. The momentum now with the daily thirty minutes is pretty standard.

Now what I look at is fitting those thirty minutes some time within that day. So if I miss it in the morning, I know I’ve gotta hustle in the afternoon or I’ve gotta fit in just before I knock off for the evening. And that’s one that I really don’t like to do, so it keeps me going and it pushes me to get it in earlier in the day.

I can only tell you what works for me

So this is the number one tip that I can share to share.

  • When you make your goals, when you set your plan, count on that momentum.
  • Build a simple system of  small wins, small targets that you can reach.
  • If you fail they are small enough so that you can still fit them in a different way or a day later or two days later.
  • Make those wins something that you celebrate, something that you focus on and make them concrete.

Two other things that are a big key to building this momentum habit are:

  1. Desire. You have to have a strong desire for the goals that you set want and the things that you are working toward.
  2. Persistence. Sometime persistence is just grueling. It just takes work and you got to do it. Like I said, I don’t really want to workout in the evening but man I’ve got to reach that goal and I really wanted to do that and I have to have the desire and it’s strong enough that I want to make it through and I persist.

Here is a quote from Tony Robins:

The most important thing you can do to achieve your goals is to make sure that as soon as you set them, you immediately begin to create momentum.”

Anthony Robbins (Read Awaken the Giant Within)

And the affirmation for this week is..

I have unstoppable momentum all the way to my dreams. I am moving forward.

I hope this short video is a help to you in some way and I really believe that if you can understand how momentum works in your life, it is going to make a big difference.

I would like to hear about your challenges in this area of, setting goals, and building habits and how momentum has played out. Maybe you have seen some other things in your life that may have played out a little differently. Leave a comment in the comment section below or drop by our Facebook page, I would love to hear from you.

This is Abe Stone at

Take Care!