2 Simple THINGS to Try Instead of Resolutions for 2018!

HAPPY, happy New Year friends! I hope you’re looking forward to 2018!

The holiday season is almost over. Hopefully you’ve done more than put on a few pounds. 😉

It’s was a good time to catch up with family and friends. It’s also a great time to GET CLEAR about what is important to you in this coming year.

Forget the idea of it being a struggle. Don’t just go and re-live last year. (more…)

Is there a time to cut your losses in a friendship?

I hear so many people say, “I don’t know what to do. This relationship is not going the way I want. It was good for a while but now I’m a bit discouraged.” I’d say, CUT your losses!

This morning a friend called me from the other side of the world wondering how to handle communication, or lack of communication, with a guy she is good friends with. It seemed good in the beginning, and had the potential to be more but this person is HOLDING BACK. (more…)

7 Excuses That May Make You Feel Better, For Now

Audry Hepburn is quoted as saying “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, ‘I’m possible.’” She may have a good point here.

Is it that the thing we are facing is impossible? Why are we so quick to dismiss things and simply say, “It’s impossible”? Could it be that we are secretly saying we don’t believe in ourselves. 

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Could it be that we are secretly saying we don’t believe in ourselves, when we say, ‘It’s impossible.'[/shareable]

What are we really saying? (more…)

Screw What You Want, Go for Bliss

I don’t ever want to hear another success or personal development quote again. When I get FRUSTRATED by seeing so many cliche quotes and sayings out there, I FEEL that way.

If I was to follow them all, I’d never DO anything.

But then, all you need is just the right one to CONNECT to exactly the results you’re looking for.

If there is one I’d have to pick, it would be:

[shareable cite=”George Addair”]’Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the OTHER SIDE of fear.'[/shareable]

Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear.

Bet you anything, thing tripping you up is the word “WANT.” “I’m easy going. I don’t want anything,” would just be an excuse for not FACING your fears.

It is like that sometimes. Remember my story about rollercoasters? I didn’t WANT TO FEEL the fear of dropping and rolling.

What most people don’t realize is that there is an amazing reward when overcoming most fears. What we think we want is rarely what we DEEPLY DESIRE. It’s just beyond your fears.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]What we think we want is rarely what we deeply desire. Move beyond your fears.[/shareable]

What we think we want is rarely what we deeply desire. Let's conquer our fears.

It’s hard to describe until you’ve DONE it, but the bliss of swimming effortlessly in the water, the happiness of having and raising children, the rush of riding a roller coaster, the accelerated heart rate at the moment of a first kiss are worth any fear or apprehension.

You may or may not have been interested in any of these things, but if you’re like most of, I know you’ve ENJOYED the EFFECT or you will.

Are you hesitating? So? Step out anyway.

Do that thing you’ve wanted to do or take up that CHALLENGE you say you don’t want. You’ll love connecting to the BLISS you’ve been missing.

[reminder]See you on the other side of fear. I’d love to hear YOUR story.[/reminder]

I love Will Smith’s story.

[youtube id=”yvkawQkkfj8″]

[shareable]I free myself from all destructive fears and doubts. #affirmation[/shareable]

25 Inspiring Quotes for When You Need More Courage

Asking for that raise, working through the rough times in a relationship, smiling when you feel like crying, being there for others when they don’t notice, or putting yourself out there everyday because you believe in what you are doing takes courage.

It all comes down to having the courage to be who you are and be willing to see something through because you believe in what you are doing.


Courage is going ahead in spite of fear. – Abe Stone
