How to Dominate Your Emotions and Choose the Life You Want

How would you feel getting being paged over the loudspeakers in a public area, such as a mall or airport, to come to the information desk? Many people say their first reaction is that something bad must have happened.

That reaction is learned from experience and what we were told in life, it has become automatic. The emotions take over and until something happens to contradict it, most people would operate with that assumption and get a little stressed out, until it was resolved.

Emotions have important roles, such as warning us of danger but it’s dangerous to simply react. See what you can do about this.

In this Video:

00:30 – When Emotions Hit
01:00 – The Magic Of Words
01:39 – Do GPS’ Say, “Hey, You Messed Up”
02:30 – The Key That Makes This Work
03:11 – Quote from – W. Clement Stone
03:26 – Affirmation to Move You Forward

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6 Top Personal Development Blogs You Want To Know About

Why are people always talking about personal development? I’m satisfied with my answer, but I don’t think it’s for everyone, or is it?

When I was younger it was more about trying to figure myself out, now it’s simpler than that. I think it’s a natural part of life but personally I’m a bit of a nerd in this area.

In this Video:

00:10 – You May Have Experienced One of These
00:53 – One of Your 7 Basic Human Needs
01:41 – My Online Mentors
01:39 – This Guy Has a History in This
02:16 – He Likes Wisdom from the East
03:07 – For People Who Love Lists
03:42 – This Guy Wants to Get You Addicted
04:01 – The Giant
04:36 – His Charge Will Give You a Buzz
05:34 – Quote from Napoleon Hill
05:52 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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How To Solve Problems in 6 Steps

Often, we may experience emotional hijacking when problems show up, especially if they catch us by surprise.  Whether personal or work related,we are often so overwhelmed by the thoughts and feelings of the moment, we may not see the solutions clearly. How do we keep that from getting us stuck?

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” 
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Albert Einstein


What You Can Do About the Paradigm Holding You Back

That feeling in your gut can be terrifying. You know, the one that comes at a moment when you need to choose. “Do I want to stay where I am in life, or do I want to move on to something else?” Myself, I wanted to dance. I didn’t know how to, but I wanted to be were people were having fun. So how did I make that happen?  What keeps some people from taking that kind of a leap?

Photo courtesy of

As I look back, I realize something. When I was young it was easier to make changes or do something new. Why? I was growing, learning, and finding out about life.

As I’ve gotten older, those choices and the decisions I’ve made, have formed into my paradigm. In our youth we are still very engaged in the process.  Then, we settle over time. (more…)

Persist Just Beyond the Point You’d Have Given Up

Sometimes I just wish life would be simpler, but I’ve come to realize, the things that challenge us, help us grow. I laugh when I think of what Bob Proctor said: “If you know what to do to reach your goal, it’s not a big enough goal.” Funny but true!

Photo courtesy of

Trimming the fat around my mid section has been a solid goal of mine for over a year now. It became important to me for several reasons and one of the most important is, I felt it was a reflection of my health not being in tip-top shape. (I wrote a post on this topic.)

I plan to be around as long as possible, to enjoy this gift of a life, and I would say the most emotionally powerful reason for me is that I want to be around for my family and love ones as long as I can.


Realizing Your Dream!

The power of goal setting cannot be underestimated. It’s been working wonders in my life. I came across a wonderful story that illustrates the principles and gives us a taste of what is possible. It’s from Bob Proctors eBook You Were Born Rich. Enjoy!

Patti’s Cruise

Patti Moir first came to my seminar, with her parents, when she was only eleven years old. By the age of fifteen she was already speaking in the seminars and sharing with the audience the manner in which a concept in the seminar had moved her from failing miserably in French-at school-to honor’s grades (and in a relatively short period of time, to boot!) (more…)

Perception, What is Your Paradigm?

I watched the video by Bob Proctor about perception on the Six Minutes to Success site. I had heard of or read about the topic before, regarding paradigms and the need to be aware of different points of view and how to change them. And felt I got it and was doing fine. Good presentation! I knew it related well to something I have to do today! I accepted that and found five very different unique points of view which I was not accepting, as I was focused on only one. Wow! What and eye opener!

Later I was going through Bob’s articles and I saw one that caught my attention. “It isn’t easy to make money”. Curious, I opened it and started to read. Very good content about the wrong beliefs regarding making money. The funny thing is, that actually, by the end of the article it seemed easy to make money. “What’s wrong with the title”, I thought. I looked again. Whoa, it’s actually titled “It’s easy to make money”. Alarm bells went off!

I realized how little self-awareness I have on the topic of perception. I’ve prided myself in being a very perceptive person, very open and able to see the bigger picture easily. But here I was, I had a very narrow focus obstructing my ability to see anything else, literally. Going back in time a little, I’d been in a thought pattern of lack and concerned about mounting bills and expenses, and not being able to pull out or get on top. I was trying a couple of new ideas to make more money and it was just not happening. So my perception was being influenced by these thoughts and I read words that weren’t even there. Difficulty and lack were my paradigm, my limiting belief.

How many times I must have done this in my life! I’m happy that I stayed with the article long enough to get a different perspective. I could have just spotted the title I thought I saw, agreed with what I thought I read and moved on. But I stayed, looked at the topic a bit more, and by taking time to read and pay attention to what was being said in the article, my perception changed. What’s more important is, that not only did my perception change regarding the article, but I was made aware of how I was filtering things through and negative, limiting belief, which I believe in turn was affecting the results I was getting, and would have continued getting, had I not made this adjustment.

Life is now great and full of opportunities. I’m looking forward to my day and going into it with a new perception. A new belief. A new paradigm. I know things will be different because I’m not holding on to the limitations I was insisting were so real.

Incredible Video with Bob Proctor

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I’m back again and determined to get things rolling. What has me back? It’s some material I’ve been working with and I want to share it with you. It was almost like a treasure hunt. I was fascinated by some videos I watched from Bob Proctor. I’ve been following his work closely for some time and I’m happily subscribed to some of his services. I don’t want to say too much, because I want to give you the

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You won’t regret it.

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