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Thought You Were Ready but It Still Sucks

It can be hard to see s#*t coming your way and be ready for it.

In fact, you might have a good idea of what is coming but still not be able to hold yourself together against the wave of emotions or unexpected spinoffs from the challenges hitting you.

When that happens:

  • Find someone to talk to. Don’t go at it alone.
  • Take some time to disconnect from your busy life, whether it be to read, listen to music, or simply walk it out.
  • Don’t make any major life decisions while in the middle of a downturn in your life.
  • Write out your thoughts, feelings, concerns.
  • Remember, this will pass. The sun will come out after the rain.

A friend has always been a lifesaver when I’ve hit bottom. See, the great thing is that when you connect with someone they can often help you remember some of the other things listed here.

2 Simple THINGS to Try Instead of Resolutions for 2018!

HAPPY, happy New Year friends! I hope you’re looking forward to 2018!

The holiday season is almost over. Hopefully you’ve done more than put on a few pounds. 😉

It’s was a good time to catch up with family and friends. It’s also a great time to GET CLEAR about what is important to you in this coming year.

Forget the idea of it being a struggle. Don’t just go and re-live last year. (more…)

5 Quote Images to Reconnect You with What Matters to You Today

There’s a reason I’m listening to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV in the background as a sit here writing you. I’m waiting for niece to show up there. She is playing in a marching band for one of ten schools chosen nationwide to play this year in New York City.

Being an expat and living practically most of my life away from my home has disconnected me from many of the traditions of my country of birth.

Moving back with my children, to live around my family now, has made me so thankful for them. We can sometimes FORGET how blessed we are, unless we have simple REMINDERS to reconnect us to those special things.

Thanksgiving is one of those awesome holidays that can reconnect us to what is important in life if we LET IT.

I was talking with someone yesterday and they told me about the disappointment their son has experienced. He is married and has begun celebrating Thanksgiving with at wife’s family’s home. Unlike his family, they do not have a tradition of talking about or REFLECTING on what they are thankful for.

I hope that is not the case for you and your loved ones. TALK about what you are thankful for, even if it’s just for a MOMENT in your day or over dinner TODAY.

[shareable text=”Abe Stone”]It’s the moments of GRATITUDE that attract more of what you want into your life.[/shareable]

The parade is understandably a big event for my sister, her husband, and their daughter, but the most beautiful thing is seeing their closeness and support of each other.

I’m thankful for my family!

I’m thankful for YOU!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Enjoy and share online as you remind yourself and others of the good we are all remembering at this important time of year.










[shareable cite=”Abe Stone” text=”Abe Stone”]Stuck for conversation starters to get the thankfulness flowing? Click here to try the questions in this post. 6 Questions to Reconnect You to the Good You Forgot[/shareable]

12 Obvious Life Areas to Know, If You are Not Experiencing Life Balance

What does it mean to have “Life Balance”? Most likely if you ask any 10 people on the street, you will get 10 different answers.

We need to understand that what our life balance looks like at 25 is not what it will be when we are 55 and will be different that when we are retired. This is due to our priorities changing.

[guestpost]Our guest blogger today is Janice Bastani who is a Professional Credentialed Coach, with the International Coach Federation. She holds multiple credentials in Leadership Coaching, Emotional Intelligence, NeuroLeadership Coaching, Energy Leadership Coaching and Global Group Coaching. Janice is a credential John Maxwell Coach, Trainer and Speaker. She is a published author and keynote speaker.

Janice has been coaching for more than two decades. She loves helping others understand, why they believe what they do and why they hold that belief, for it is the key to every decision a person makes. Janice lives in California with her husband of 40 years and has two married daughters and a precious new grandson.[/guestpost]

As a professional coach, I encounter folks just like yourself who hire me to help them achieve a goal, overcome a challenge, or to solve something in their lives. The first thing I do with them is to give them a list of questions which basically ask them to get honest with themselves and rate where they are on a simple 1 to 10 scale of where they are in each area of their lives. Coaches call this a “Life Wheel”. (more…)

The Control that Makes Your Goals Happen

What is one thing you have absolute control over? Well, you may not be exercising control over it at the moment, or at times, but potentially you are capable of having complete control over this.

This control, which you accept or release, makes the difference between success and failure. That difference can sometimes be measured in a few minutes, a few days, a couple of millimeters, or a few feet. (more…)

How a Super Star Tackles Fear in Acting, With a Coach’s Insight

I often prefer not to have to face a problem or difficulty.

Many of us shrink at the first sign of fear in our minds or hearts. We can tend to opt for the flight option in our instinctive fight or flight response. True, it is safer! Besides, what if we fail?

Our flawed thinking is that we can just skip that a failure and move on to a success. In the end the question I like to ask is:

Do I want to stay where I am, or do I want growth and change?
