What is one thing you have absolute control over? Well, you may not be exercising control over it at the moment, or at times, but potentially you are capable of having complete control over this.

This control, which you accept or release, makes the difference between success and failure. That difference can sometimes be measured in a few minutes, a few days, a couple of millimeters, or a few feet.

Golf experts tell you that the difference between landing on the green and landing in the water is a millimeter change in the angle and/or height with which you hit the ball.

One of history’s most powerful men understood well the value of five minutes of persistence.

“The reason I beat the Austrians is, they did not known the value of five minutes”

Napoleon Bonaparte

The international motivator and life coach Tony Robbins has identified connections between the mind and the physical body, which set us up for success or failure. Knowing how to determine and change our state, which includes our physiology, is the key to Tony’s behavior changing technique.

Reach your goals with the help of your subconscious mind.

Recently I’ve been feeling a bit stuck in the progress that I have been “expecting” in my business and financial goals. Some time back I adopted Napoleon Hill’s instruction to use autosuggestion or affirmations as the are commonly referred to, in order to change my thinking and reach my goals. (Read Think and Grow Rich)

[callout]Here’s my goal focused affirmation: “I am so happy and grateful that by (date) I will be receiving (dollar value) monthly net monthly income. In order to receive this money I am creating websites and producing and selling digital products online on the topics of personal development and coaching.”[/callout]

Affirmations are only a part of work that goes into reaching your goals, good planning and massive action are keys as well. I don’t sit around all day saying affirmations but I use them persistently.

Recently, however, I’ve felt plagued by doubt, fear, and worry as to whether affirmations really work and wondering what I’m doing wrong. I’ve had to keep adjusting my plans and I’ve been wondering if I’ll ever reach my goals and change my life in these areas.

You will get no appreciable results until you learn to reach your subconscious mind with the thoughts or spoken words that have been well emotionalized with belief.”

Napoleon Hill

I’ve finally come to recognize what had been missing.

  • Words are real things, yes, but it is the emotions with which those words are charged that brings them to life, impacting our subconscious minds and changing our lives, actions, and results. Saying your affirmations cannot be a matter of rote repetition. That won’t work.
  • You mind cannot entertain positive and negative emotions at the same time. Choose faith over fear and pay close attention to the emotions you feel as you engage your affirmations. It’s the dominating emotion and thought in your mind which will win.

I think you will enjoy Tony Robbin’s video regarding the slight but powerful difference between affirmations and incantations as he prefers to calls them. I still like the term affirmations but his insight has changed the way I use them. (Read Awaken the Giant Within)

This little difference can transform your thoughts and result in phenomenal changes in the direction of your life and actions.

[reminder]What did you discover you have complete control over? How has your tools do you use to change your thinking?[/reminder]