3 Things to Remember When Feeling Stuck Makes You Want to Scream

It makes me sad to see you suffer from circumstances outside of your control. I recently spent two hours on FaceTime listening to and encouraging someone I care about deeply.

What makes such situations even more challenging is, when you face circumstances because of decisions you’ve made.

Feeling stuck is normal. And it’s easy to blame others. (more…)

2 Simple THINGS to Try Instead of Resolutions for 2018!

HAPPY, happy New Year friends! I hope you’re looking forward to 2018!

The holiday season is almost over. Hopefully you’ve done more than put on a few pounds. 😉

It’s was a good time to catch up with family and friends. It’s also a great time to GET CLEAR about what is important to you in this coming year.

Forget the idea of it being a struggle. Don’t just go and re-live last year. (more…)

9 Ways Being Real in Life is Scary, and What You Can Do About It Today

Feeling the need to be real in our lives, be it in love, at work, with friends, or with your family can be stressful, if we are not used to opening up.

Fear is the biggest thing that stands in the way, specially if we’ve been hurt or had bad experiences after we tried to open up or be real with others in the past.

Have you found yourself thinking some of these thoughts? (more…)

Screw What You Want, Go for Bliss

I don’t ever want to hear another success or personal development quote again. When I get FRUSTRATED by seeing so many cliche quotes and sayings out there, I FEEL that way.

If I was to follow them all, I’d never DO anything.

But then, all you need is just the right one to CONNECT to exactly the results you’re looking for.

If there is one I’d have to pick, it would be:

[shareable cite=”George Addair”]’Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the OTHER SIDE of fear.'[/shareable]

Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear.

Bet you anything, thing tripping you up is the word “WANT.” “I’m easy going. I don’t want anything,” would just be an excuse for not FACING your fears.

It is like that sometimes. Remember my story about rollercoasters? I didn’t WANT TO FEEL the fear of dropping and rolling.

What most people don’t realize is that there is an amazing reward when overcoming most fears. What we think we want is rarely what we DEEPLY DESIRE. It’s just beyond your fears.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]What we think we want is rarely what we deeply desire. Move beyond your fears.[/shareable]

What we think we want is rarely what we deeply desire. Let's conquer our fears.

It’s hard to describe until you’ve DONE it, but the bliss of swimming effortlessly in the water, the happiness of having and raising children, the rush of riding a roller coaster, the accelerated heart rate at the moment of a first kiss are worth any fear or apprehension.

You may or may not have been interested in any of these things, but if you’re like most of, I know you’ve ENJOYED the EFFECT or you will.

Are you hesitating? So? Step out anyway.

Do that thing you’ve wanted to do or take up that CHALLENGE you say you don’t want. You’ll love connecting to the BLISS you’ve been missing.

[reminder]See you on the other side of fear. I’d love to hear YOUR story.[/reminder]

I love Will Smith’s story.

[youtube id=”yvkawQkkfj8″]

[shareable]I free myself from all destructive fears and doubts. #affirmation[/shareable]

11 Timely Quotes that Will Keep Fear from Holding You Back

That new job might not work out. That girl or guy may not like you back. For you that fear is so big and so real it is holding you back as if there were a wall in front of you.

The list is different for everyone. Doing something we’ve never done is one of the biggest things that most of us fear.


Be FEARLESS today. It doesn’t mean you’re not afraid. You just won’t let fear control you!

Be fearless today. It doesn’t mean you’re not afraid. You just won’t let fear control you!”

– Abe Stone

When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears.

When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears.”

– Tony Robbins

What prevents people from starting a dream is not fear. It's the lack of attention, sustained motivation, and discipline. Because if we have those thigns we can overcome fear.

What prevents people from starting a dream is not fear. It’s the lack of attention, sustained motivation, and discipline. Because if we have all those things we can overcome fear.”

– Brendon Burchard

The fears we don't face become our limits.

The fears we don’t face become our limits.”

– Robin Sharma

Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.

Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.”

– W. Clement Stone

Let fear be a counselor and not a jailer.

Let fear be a counselor and not a jailer.”

– Tony Robbins

it is when you finally learn tha tyour fears are all in your mind that your realy life begins.

It is when you finally learn that your fears are all in your mind that your real life begins.”

– Brian Tracy

Fear only becomes powerful when you give it your power.

Fear only becomes powerful when you give it your power.” 

– Robin Sharma

Fear is a liar, doubts are thieves, and excuses are killers

Fear is a liar, doubts are thieves, and excuses are killers.”

– Robin Sharma

Being scared is part of being truly alive. Accept it, and walk through it. You are larger than your fears and bigger than your doubts

Being scared is part of being truly alive. Accept it, and walk through it. You are larger than your fears and bigger than your doubts.”

– Robin Sharma

Being fearless precisely when you are most scared is the best hack.

Being fearless precisely when you are most scared is the best hack.”

– James Altucher

[reminder]What is your favorite quote for overcoming fear?[/reminder]

25 Inspiring Quotes for When You Need More Courage

Asking for that raise, working through the rough times in a relationship, smiling when you feel like crying, being there for others when they don’t notice, or putting yourself out there everyday because you believe in what you are doing takes courage.

It all comes down to having the courage to be who you are and be willing to see something through because you believe in what you are doing.


Courage is going ahead in spite of fear. – Abe Stone


How to KEEP connected to what MATTERS, in spite of the holiday season

Hi friends! I hope you had a FUN week with Halloween spooks and DRESS UP parties.

This post is for everyone but I want to give a quick shout out to ANYONE who is in transition. Good luck and STAY focused.

You may remember that I’m in currently transition, moving from China to US. During this PROCESS I’ve been working very hard to keep my focus on the big picture but now the holiday is upon us already.

ALL OF US can tend to  feel overwhelmed once the HOLIDAY SEASON hits. There just seems to be one event after the other with increasing demands on our TIME and WALLET.

It can be so easy to slip into AUTOPILOT and let everything and everyone else’s demands crowd out our PRIORITIES and our GOALS. Getting through the holiday’s with your integrity intact requires some focus and that focus needs to be on YOUR VISION.

How do I do that? How can YOU do that? Watch and find out.


P.S.  I’m reading and awesome book called The POWER of HABIT. It’s amazing. I’ll be sharing some of the insights I’ve connected to in upcoming but if you wanna read just click here. 🙂