I’m often afraid and I’ve struggled with the ideas of fear, FEARLESSNESS, and courage.

I’ve always avoided saying, “be fearless” because it seems we will always EXPERIENCE fear from time to time, and if say we don’t, we are probably not being honest with ourselves. 😉

I find words to be important because if we can’t BELIEVE them we won’t act on them, so I’ve opted to being courageous since it does not deny the fact that COURAGE is going ahead in spite of fear. 

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]COURAGE is going ahead in spite of fear. [/shareable]

FEAR can hold us back. However, freedom from fear or FEARLESSNESS is not a lie or self-deception, it’s freedom from LIVING in fear and letting it dictate our choices and lives. You can be fearless. 

I came across something this morning.

Living fearlessly is not the same thing as never being afraid. It’s good to be afraid occasionally, fear is a great teacher. What’s not good is living in fear, allowing fear to dictate your choices, allowing fear to define who you are. Living fearlessly means standing up to fear, taking its measure, refusing to let it shape and define your life. Living fearlessly means taking risks, taking gambles, not playing it safe. It means refusing to take “no” for an answer when you are sure that the answer should have been “yes.” It means refusing to settle for less that what is your due, what is yours by right, what is yours the the sweat for you labor and your effort. (Read Put Your Dreams to the Test)

Be FEARLESS today, it doesn’t mean you’re not afraid. You just won’t let fear control you!

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Be FEARLESS today, it doesn’t mean you’re not afraid. You just won’t let fear control you![/shareable]

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]I free myself from all destructive fears and doubts. #affirmation[/shareable]
#livefearlessly #freedomfromfear #nofear