3 Things to Remember When Feeling Stuck Makes You Want to Scream

It makes me sad to see you suffer from circumstances outside of your control. I recently spent two hours on FaceTime listening to and encouraging someone I care about deeply.

What makes such situations even more challenging is, when you face circumstances because of decisions you’ve made.

Feeling stuck is normal. And it’s easy to blame others. (more…)

Screw What You Want, Go for Bliss

I don’t ever want to hear another success or personal development quote again. When I get FRUSTRATED by seeing so many cliche quotes and sayings out there, I FEEL that way.

If I was to follow them all, I’d never DO anything.

But then, all you need is just the right one to CONNECT to exactly the results you’re looking for.

If there is one I’d have to pick, it would be:

[shareable cite=”George Addair”]’Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the OTHER SIDE of fear.'[/shareable]

Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear.

Bet you anything, thing tripping you up is the word “WANT.” “I’m easy going. I don’t want anything,” would just be an excuse for not FACING your fears.

It is like that sometimes. Remember my story about rollercoasters? I didn’t WANT TO FEEL the fear of dropping and rolling.

What most people don’t realize is that there is an amazing reward when overcoming most fears. What we think we want is rarely what we DEEPLY DESIRE. It’s just beyond your fears.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]What we think we want is rarely what we deeply desire. Move beyond your fears.[/shareable]

What we think we want is rarely what we deeply desire. Let's conquer our fears.

It’s hard to describe until you’ve DONE it, but the bliss of swimming effortlessly in the water, the happiness of having and raising children, the rush of riding a roller coaster, the accelerated heart rate at the moment of a first kiss are worth any fear or apprehension.

You may or may not have been interested in any of these things, but if you’re like most of, I know you’ve ENJOYED the EFFECT or you will.

Are you hesitating? So? Step out anyway.

Do that thing you’ve wanted to do or take up that CHALLENGE you say you don’t want. You’ll love connecting to the BLISS you’ve been missing.

[reminder]See you on the other side of fear. I’d love to hear YOUR story.[/reminder]

I love Will Smith’s story.

[youtube id=”yvkawQkkfj8″]

[shareable]I free myself from all destructive fears and doubts. #affirmation[/shareable]

5 Things to Remember When You Feel Overwhelmed by Poor Health

I got hit by a cold bug that was going around last week. Wondering if I was going to make it through this one actually kept me awake one night.

I was feeling pressure because of my kids and the fact that they need me to put food on the table for them. But as my sister said, “It’s not that dramatic.”

It does feel that way sometimes. Maybe if nothing else, you’re just concerned that you won’t lose any pay and can meet your financial obligations.

Making it out the other end of feeling-pretty-miserable I realized a few things that make a DIFFERENCE.

1.  Stop pushing yourself and your body.

Chances are, being sick is your body saying, “I need a BREAK”. If you can’t get off work, try SKIPPING coffee and sugars, which push your body and drain the energy it needs to heal. Take naps and got to bed earlier, if you can.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Chances are, being sick is your body saying, ‘I need a BREAK’. [/shareable]

2.  Remember what is important in your life.

In my case I had realized I hadn’t been spending much TIME with my kids. I slowed down, played a game with them, and relaxed. They are the MOST IMPORTANT thing to me right now. You my readers high on the list as well. 😉

3. Get help.

You should see a doctor. I wasn’t that bad off and, like I said, in my case I vented my thoughts on my sister. TALK to someone. My sister’s candid reaction, “It’s not that dramatic”,  helped RELEASE THE TENSION I was feeling.

4. Hold off on important or life changing decisions.

When you’re down you often just need a BREAK from it all. Being in a low state may influence you to make the wrong decision, just because you are feeling low at the moment. Most DECISIONS CAN WAIT.

5. Give your body what it needs.

You may need to take medicine. Sometimes all you need is HEALTHY EATING. Try move vegetables and fruit! I my case I have a few additional tricks I like to use for cold and cough type illnesses: vitamin C with bioflavonoids, propolis, salt gargle, lemon and baking soda drink, and painkillers if needed.

(This post is not medical advice. It is for informational purposes only. You should consult a doctor if you are feeling sick.)

You  will get to know your body, if you pay attention and listen to the signals it gives you. The most important thing is to take care of yourself so you can have the strength and energy to keep BEING AWESOME.

[shareable cite=”Joyce Meyer”]I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you. [/shareable]

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]I am grateful for the healing that is happening in my body. #affirmation[/shareable]

5 Quote Images to Reconnect You with What Matters to You Today

There’s a reason I’m listening to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV in the background as a sit here writing you. I’m waiting for niece to show up there. She is playing in a marching band for one of ten schools chosen nationwide to play this year in New York City.

Being an expat and living practically most of my life away from my home has disconnected me from many of the traditions of my country of birth.

Moving back with my children, to live around my family now, has made me so thankful for them. We can sometimes FORGET how blessed we are, unless we have simple REMINDERS to reconnect us to those special things.

Thanksgiving is one of those awesome holidays that can reconnect us to what is important in life if we LET IT.

I was talking with someone yesterday and they told me about the disappointment their son has experienced. He is married and has begun celebrating Thanksgiving with at wife’s family’s home. Unlike his family, they do not have a tradition of talking about or REFLECTING on what they are thankful for.

I hope that is not the case for you and your loved ones. TALK about what you are thankful for, even if it’s just for a MOMENT in your day or over dinner TODAY.

[shareable text=”Abe Stone”]It’s the moments of GRATITUDE that attract more of what you want into your life.[/shareable]

The parade is understandably a big event for my sister, her husband, and their daughter, but the most beautiful thing is seeing their closeness and support of each other.

I’m thankful for my family!

I’m thankful for YOU!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Enjoy and share online as you remind yourself and others of the good we are all remembering at this important time of year.










[shareable cite=”Abe Stone” text=”Abe Stone”]Stuck for conversation starters to get the thankfulness flowing? Click here to try the questions in this post. 6 Questions to Reconnect You to the Good You Forgot[/shareable]

How to MOVE past obstacles you feel POWERLESS to get over

It’s frustrating when something happens TO YOU, or worse yet someone DOES something to you and you’re stuck, you don’t KNOW what to do. You might not like this but it comes down to what you BELIEVE about that situation.

In the past I’ve actually been stuck for days trying to figure out what to do, because I felt that the other person had the CONTROL or the circumstances were impossible to go against.

Feeling powerless just plain sucks. So, what can you do to get past an obstacle you feel powerless to overcome?  Taking is RESPONSIBILITY is one simple way to CHANGE this belief.

Responsibility for what? Watch the video to find out.

Take care,


P.S.  I’m going strong on Instagram. Definitely join me.

4 Easy Solutions to Conversations That Make You Nervous

Surprize introductions to friends, planned job interviews, scheduled business meetings, and the list goes on of possible speaking scenarios that make people uncomfortable. Conversations can make any of us nervous to different degrees.

Sir Richard Branson wrote about his fear of public speaking in his book the Virgin Way, “There are two types of people: those who get nervous giving speeches and liars.”

In this Video:

00:10 – Do You Get Nervous in These Settings?
00:32 – Here’s What Can Change That
00:57 – How to Think Faster Infographic From Ana Vital
01:20 – A Tip From Comedy Impromptu
02:00 – The 3 Second Rule
02:45 – Learning This Skill Connects You to What Can’t Be Heard
03:22 – Go With This and Correct on The Way
04:00 – Quote from – Peter Drucker
04:15 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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5 Easy Steps to Gain Back Your Confidence, and Belief

I hear you saying, “But I can’t have that (fill in the blank), because (fill in the excuse).” How about “I’m too _____ to ever be good at _____.”

Some of these beliefs about yourself are a little less logical but just as limiting. “He never listens to me.” “She’s not will to do this or that for me.” Your story could be drastically changed with some simple challenging questions.

In this Video:

00:25 – Limits You May Have Set and Believe
00:46 – The Sources of Learned Limitations
01:20 – Byron Katie’s Formula Passed Down to Me
01:35 – Identify It and Ask This Question
01:54 – The Challenge
02:15 – Connecting to the Effect
02:28 – A Peek at Possibility
02:40 – Ready to Believe Your Choice
03:04 – Quote from – Les Brown
03:26 – Affirmation to Move You Forward

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7 Ways to Stop Negative Thoughts from Getting You Down

Do they come up like a virus and take over your mind, or are negative thoughts really YOU? Some people say, we are not our mind. The truth is we have little control over when and how negative thoughts come to us.

We do, however, have a choice in letting them stay. You can keep negative thoughts from getting you down and here are few tips to kick the habit of negative thinking to the curb.

In this Video:

00:19 – The Things That Trip People Up
01:30 – This is the Opposite of What You Might Think
01:56 – You Body May Hold the Key
02:27 – The Magic of The Pen
02:46 – An Old Tradition That Brings New Thoughts
03:14 – This One Even Works on Toddlers
03:33 – Retune Your Thoughts With This Fave
03:53 – Disconnect to Reconnect
04:38 – Quote from – Joel Osteen
04:56 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

Listen To The Audio:


Watch The Video
