Surprize introductions to friends, planned job interviews, scheduled business meetings, and the list goes on of possible speaking scenarios that make people uncomfortable. Conversations can make any of us nervous to different degrees.

Sir Richard Branson wrote about his fear of public speaking in his book the Virgin Way, “There are two types of people: those who get nervous giving speeches and liars.”

In this Video:

00:10 – Do You Get Nervous in These Settings?
00:32 – Here’s What Can Change That
00:57 – How to Think Faster Infographic From Ana Vital
01:20 – A Tip From Comedy Impromptu
02:00 – The 3 Second Rule
02:45 – Learning This Skill Connects You to What Can’t Be Heard
03:22 – Go With This and Correct on The Way
04:00 – Quote from – Peter Drucker
04:15 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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Do You Get Nervous in These Settings?

You know those situations where you end up in and maybe you were just planning on going out with friends and they introduce new friends and the conversation gets going and then these people naturally, they are interested, they want to know more about you the want to just ask questions about who you are, what you do.

Maybe you are in a business setting and the meeting is moving along pretty quickly and you’re being addressed and you have to answer things.

If you’re like me, some of those situations can be a little unnerving; they can make you a little bit uncomfortable.

Here’s What Can Change That

The thing is, it’s really all about thinking FAST, it’s about developing a skill in communication that enables you to CONNECT with the conversation and to be able to think and contribute in a meaningful way.

Now, here I want to give you some tips about being a better communicator. And one of the skills is really just in being able to think quickly and being able to move forward quickly.

[callout]3 Steps to Navigating Communication You Dread[/callout]

I love the work that Ana Vital is doing and she makes these great infographics; this one is called “How to think faster”, believe it or not. Well, she’s got eight quick tips on there, but I would like to give you insight into four of them that have really made a difference in my life. And here’s how,

1. Say, “Yes, and…”

The first one is a funny one, it comes from, I guess it comes from, if I am not mistaken, it comes from like comedy impromptu and that is, learn to say “YES, and…” And I think there’s two reasons.

Number one, your brain works better in a POSITIVE mode, when you’re going forward, thinking ‘Yes’ and moving forward.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Your brain works better in a positive mode, when you’re going forward, thinking ‘Yes’ and moving forward.[/shareable]

Thinking “No” and suddenly there is conflict and it’s very difficult for you to open up and for thoughts to flow.

The other one is, by saying “Yes”, you bring the person into the conversation, you allow them to keep their point of view and to add to the conversation rather than “Ahh…but…no…” and you’re trying to present a different opinion or anything like that. So, “Yes, and…” and move forward.

[callout]Positive Affirmations for Communication[/callout]

2. Try the 3 Second Rule

Here is number two and this is a very awkward one for many people, but LET THE SILENCE BE. Okay, it sounds really funny, I know, but a lot of people…have you ever tried this? Try to sit in a conversation and the person asks something, says something; maybe they didn’t even ask a question, maybe they just made a statement.

See if you can BE SILENT for more than three seconds. I am challenging you.

This is not easy to do, but it makes a big difference because you are able think, you are able to feel less under pressure and there is no demand for you to speak in any sooner than three seconds.

Maybe it will even be five seconds, because in those moments, people are thinking, people are pondering and someone else has an opportunity to join in and be a part of the conversation as well.

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3. What Is Your Gut Telling You?

Now this next one, number three, LISTEN TO YOUR GUT. Now that’s a little bit of a rough generalization, but I believe it even has something to do with intuition and INTUITION is something that we can all develop if we learn to listen to more than just the words that are coming out of people’s mouths.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone” text=”Use your intuition and learn to listen to more than just the words that are coming out of people’s mouths.”]INTUITION is something that we can all develop, if we learn to listen to more than just the words that are coming out of people’s mouths.[/shareable]

So when things are being said, PAY ATTENTION to the ATMOSPHERE, pay attention to the EMOTIONS, pay attention to the BODY LANGUAGE of the people involved, and really just pay attention to where is this conversation GOING? Where is the best way for this conversation to go? And that’s an inner intuitive experience that you have.

[callout]2 Things to Remember People Make-You-Angry[/callout]

4. Work With Your First Thought

And here is the last one and it sounds a little bit funny too, but just work with your FIRST THOUGHT. A lot of people, they just completely talk themselves out of anything in life, conversations, business opportunities, fun, happiness. They just “Oh, this will never work.”

Go with the first thought, see where it takes you and be excited about flowing with it, and if it’s wrong, okay, fine just make room for a difference of opinion and you stay open,

All right, so learn to THINK FAST and learn communicate better and make your conversations come to LIFE and really ENGAGE in and be a part of them.

So here is your quote for today:

[shareable cite=”Peter Drucker”]The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said. #quote[/shareable]

Okay, here is your affirmation for today. Please be sure to post it by your bed or in the bathroom, wherever you are going to see it first thing in the morning when you wake up and before you go to bed at night, say it three times and really learn to believe it, learn to picture it, see yourself there.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]I am confident in my personality and conversations. #affirmation[/shareable]

