What if you had a button you could push to enable a superpower in your life? Is it possible to turn on a special ability in communication or success in relationships? I say YES! Your communication with any other person starts in your mind, your thoughts.

The outcome of that communication is determined in large part by what you expect, and most importantly what you believe about yourself as a communicator.

Sure you will always learning more about and improving in, your communications and relationships, but the fact is, you do have what it takes to manage them well. Often we have just been programmed negatively over time and we keep living out those old programs. You don’t have to stay there.

The mind is an amazing machine and you have the ability to reprogram it. One of the best ways to do that is through positive affirmations, the repeating of positive statements which change your beliefs in a given area of your life. Here are a few on communication to help you get started on the path to improved communication.

  • Honest communication is one of my natural strengths.
  • My ability to communicate draws others closer to me.
  • I attract positive, uplifting people into my life. I learn from others and they learn from me.
  • I live fully in the moment, free from my past.
  • I am grateful for those take the time to communicate with me.
  • I easily connect with others I meet.
  • My ability to communicate is enhanced by my ability to listen.
  • People love me and accept me for who I am.
  • My personality is radiant with confidence, certainty and optimism.
  • I can respectfully communicate my feelings and thoughts.

Here are a few quick tips to help you make the most of your use of positive affirmations.

  • Take action, start right away and be persistent. Build the habit.
  • Use positive emotions! Feel having or reaching your goal.
  • Be specific about what you want and stay focused,
  • Louise Hay suggests it takes only 21 days to change a though habit, so choose two or three affirmations and use them for 21 days.
  • Write your affirmations on a small card, in present tense, using positive language, and keep it with you at all times.
  • Repeat your affirmations a minimum of twice a day, once when you get up and once before bed then as often as you remember throughout the day.
  • Put reminder notes around your house or office.

Have fun! ENJOY saying your affirmations!

[reminder]What are some areas of communication you would specifically like to work on? What other tips do you have to others become more confident communicators?[/reminder]