How would you feel getting being paged over the loudspeakers in a public area, such as a mall or airport, to come to the information desk? Many people say their first reaction is that something bad must have happened.

That reaction is learned from experience and what we were told in life, it has become automatic. The emotions take over and until something happens to contradict it, most people would operate with that assumption and get a little stressed out, until it was resolved.

Emotions have important roles, such as warning us of danger but it’s dangerous to simply react. See what you can do about this.

In this Video:

00:30 – When Emotions Hit
01:00 – The Magic Of Words
01:39 – Do GPS’ Say, “Hey, You Messed Up”
02:30 – The Key That Makes This Work
03:11 – Quote from – W. Clement Stone
03:26 – Affirmation to Move You Forward

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You know, the other day I had an amazing experience working on writing down what some people call the painted picture or VISION, visioneering, visioning into the future to know where I want to be three years from now and kind of what it is that I am working towards. Not how I’m going to get there, but really where I want to be.

When Emotions Hit

When I finished that, I sat down, when I was done with it, it was a journaling experience.

A couple of hours later as I kept thinking about the vision, I kept thinking, “How am I going to do this, how am I going to do with that, how am I going to do the other?” And I just started FEELING OVERWHELMED, I started to almost panic and the emotion was just welling up in me.

The Magic Of Words

The next morning I had an appointment with my coach (not an affiliate link) and we talked a little bit about it and her reaction was,

Well you know Abe, the reason that you feel that way is that it’s something that you have never done before, you’re going to a NEW place and your emotions, your body, your mind, you don’t know what to do with it. How about rather than saying ‘I thought about it and I felt overwhelmed’, try rephrasing it ‘I thought about it and I felt excited.’”

And I completely shifted and I realized all that feeling and that emotion and energy could be looked at as excited if I learned how to not just take the emotions, but to use it as a channel to shift my focus; I am not changing the emotions, I’m letting them guide me and support me rather than pull back in fear.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Emotions have important roles, such as warning us of danger but it’s dangerous to simply react.[/shareable]

Do GPS’ Say, “Hey, You Messed Up”

I’d like to suggest that to you. I would like to suggest that you look at your emotions not as these controlling things that keep you or that pull you back, but rather as… like a GPS that says “You are a little bit off course, please proceed to the highlighted route, please proceed to the highlighted route.”

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The emotions shouldn’t be about “Hey, you missed the road, you did a horrible job, you did all these things” which often we let ourselves do. Or get into FEAR, “Hey, you’re not going the right way”, or “That direction is way off over there.”

No. Just use them to reset your direction, pay attention to your emotions. When you get a feeling of guilt, well maybe you’re not doing the right thing, maybe you need to start doing something different.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Pay attention to your emotions. Use them as a guidance system but don’t just follow them.[/shareable]

So shift out of guilt and just use it to say, “Okay what is this about? All right, I can shift that.” Shift that into, “All right, I don’t want to feel guilty, so I’m just going to let go of this and I’m going to change directions and I’m going to move in a new direction.”

Do you see how those emotions can be SUPPORTIVE and move you? Rather than…guilt is just going to keep you trapped and keep in the circle of feeling like a failure and going down and down and down.

The Key That Makes This Work

I believe the real key here is to learn to respond, not react. I love how Bob Proctor taught that and it’s really interesting what he said, because a lot of times when things happen, either people come to us or our emotions well up inside of us, or someone makes a comment, whatever it is, we often react and it’s those emotions that sort of trigger automatic REACTIONS, automatic behavior.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Learn to respond, not react.[/shareable]

And rather than letting those emotions just to guide us blindly, you can learn how to respond to those emotions, you can learn to pay attention to them and you could learn to kind of think through them a little bit and not just react, but rather RESPOND.

Okay, now here is your quote for today.

[shareable cite=”W. Clement Stone”]When we direct our thoughts properly, we can control our emotions. #quote[/shareable]

And here’s your affirmation for today, don’t forget to put it up by your bedside, maybe in the kitchen, look at it twice a day, every time you look at it, say it only three times and you will see your life change.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]I know how to recognize, respond to and express my emotions in a healthy way. #affirmation[/shareable]