It is said that we can retain only four pieces of information active in our conscious working memory at one time. With the 50,000 plus thoughts running through our brain each day, and many of those negative, it’s a challenge to remember the things good we have to be thankful for.

Life’s problems and challenges can start weighing you down pretty quickly. This is why the daily habit of pausing to recall at least three things we’re grateful for has such a powerful effect on our happiness and wellbeing.

In this Video:

00:38 – The Secret to Living a Great Life
00:57 – Where to Use These Questions
01:08 – The Magic Questions
01:24 – From Micro Vision to Macro Vision
01:45 – Going Deeper with Those You Care About
02:00 – Quote from – Melody Beattie
02:12 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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Well, the holiday season has started and today is Thanksgiving.

I would like to leave you with six great jumpstart questions that you can use to get you on that path of gratefulness, and really being able to appreciate and be thankful about your life.

Even if you might think that you don’t have anything, these questions might surprise you.

The Secret to Living a Great Life


[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Great questions lead to a great life.[/shareable]

The quality of your life can be determined by the quality of the questions you ask. (Read Awaken the Giant Within)

Gratefulness is a big key to living an abundant life.

You might feel a little rusty and like you don’t know exactly how to get started.

Oh, I’m thankful for food. I’m thankful for…?”

Yes, those are good things, they are important things. Even little things are important.

Sometimes you need to get that muscle warmed up, get it warmed up and then the gratitude starts to flow.

So, use these questions to get you started and into that mode of gratefulness.

Where to Use These Questions

You can use them, whether you are at a dinner with friends or if you are with your family for Thanksgiving.

Wherever you are they are a great way to get you started.

Even if you’re journaling alone and you want a little something to prime the pump and get you started.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Lost for words of gratitude? Try these 6 questions to remind you of all the good…[/shareable]

1. What is something that happened recently that I’m grateful for?

That might be a hard one for some of you.

2. What has not happened to me that I’m grateful for?

3. What do I love?

Be grateful for that.


Alright, maybe you’re ready to move out and look at the big picture.

4. What in my life am I thankful for?

It could be just one thing, but I’ll be surprised if you will leave it at that.

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5. What am I good at, that I’m grateful for?

Come on, there’s gotta be something.

6. Who in my life am I grateful for?

There you have the six questions, but I’d like to take that last one, number six, and I’d like to encourage you to reach out to that person.

Hopefully they’re still around.

If not give them a call if you can and tell them specifically what you are thankful for.

You will see your life fill with gratitude and your friendships rekindled and renewed.

[shareable cite=”Melody Beattie”]Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. #quote[/shareable] [shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]I constantly remind myself to enjoy and be grateful for all the good I have in my life right now. #affirmation[/shareable]