Stress get’s a lot of blame for a crazy number of illnesses leading to death. Sounds impossible to think that what we believe about the effects of stress, could be listed as the 15th leading cause of death in America. *

That means that what people think about the effects of stress is possibly killing more people than skin cancer, HIV, and homicide. *

In this Video:

00:20 – Fill in the blank “This stress is _____ me.”
00:28 – Would Divorce Do this to You?
01:28 – Tony Robbins’ new book
02:03 – Dr. Kelly McGonigal’s Confession
02:35 – If You Exercise You’ll Get This
03:04 – Live Longer With This Mental Switch
03:36 – Change Your Story From a Life of 50 years to 90
04:16 – Quote from Stephen Covey
04:34 – Affirmation to Help Convert Stress
04:45 – P.S. 2 Types of People on Rollercoasters

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Have you ever found yourself saying something like, “My god, this stress is killing me”?

Or, have you ever found that after a stressful week, you get to the weekend and you’re just sleeping, because your body is exhausted and you were just so worn out. Your heart, maybe, starts to hurt.

Would Divorce Do this to You?

I know I went through a bout of that about seven years ago. It really started heavy.

At that time, I had just gotten divorced. I was having a huge, major life crisis and my life was completely turning around.

I lost my career that I had been building on and working my life towards and I just didn’t know where my life was going to end up.

It was a very difficult time for me and I remember the stress was so bad it was giving me pain in my heart, which was basically psychosomatic.

I didn’t have anything wrong. I went to the doctor to check it and everything was fine.

One thing that I did have, was a problem is my teeth. I started having a periodontitis.

Well, anyway, it wasn’t a good thing and the stress was having an effect on my body.


Have you ever thought about the possibility that, maybe this area of stress is just another thing in our lives that we need a different perspective?

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Stress is just another thing in our lives that we may need a different perspective on.[/shareable]

I won’t keep you in suspense.

I have been reading Tony Robbins’ new book that came out this year, or last year, Money. It is a great book.

The topic of stress comes up, because a lot of where we are in our lives, what we can do, and what our potential is, comes from the story that we tell ourselves.

If tell ourselves that this is not going to work, or “I can’t have this”, or “That is impossible”, we are setting ourselves up and we are setting that stress up in our lives in a negative connotation, in a negative way.



Dr. Kelly McGonigal’s Confession

He quotes Kelly McGonigal.

Kelly McGonigal, a health psychologist at Stanford University, warned about the dangers of stress for a full decade before she realized that maybe it was her advice, rather than stress itself, that was sending people to their graves faster.

‘I’m converting a stimulus [stress] that could be strengthening people into a source of disease.’

  Kelly McGonigal With a breakthrough in her thinking, and some powerful new research, McGonigal made a complete turnaround.”


If You Exercise You’ll Get This

Now, listen to this. It’s quite surprising.

Turns out, stress might just be our friend. Just as you put stress on a muscle to make it stronger (by lifting weights or running), emotional stress can make us physically and psychologically stronger too.”

It makes sense if you think about it.

McGonigal now highlights new research showing that when you change your mind about stress, you can literally change your body’s physical reaction to it. In an eight-year study, adults who experienced a ‘lot of stress’ and who believed stress was harmful to their health had a 43% increase in their risk of dying.”


Live Longer With This Mental Switch

That’s pretty scary.

However, people who experienced an equal amount of stress but did not view stress as harmful were no more likely to die! McGonigal says that physical signs of stress (a pounding heart, faster breathing, breaking out in a sweat) aren’t necessarily physical evidence of anxiety or signs that we aren’t coping well with pressure. Instead, we can interpret them as indications that our body is energized and preparing us to meet the next challenge. (Read The Upside of Stress)

Don’t forget to download the free cheat sheet, “2 Step Instant Stress Relief.”

The bottom line is,

[shareable cite=”Tony Robbins”]science has now proven that how you think about stress matters— the story you attach to stress.[/shareable]

Telling yourself it’s good for you instead of harmful could mean the difference between a stress-induced heart attack at 50 or living well into your 90s.”

Well, that was Tony Robbins there in the end but it is really something to think about.

How about if you change your paradigm about stress and look at stress, look at your challenges as something that you want, something that you welcome in your life and they make you grow and they make you stronger.

Like that song Kelly Clarkson has. What doesn’t kill you makes you Stronger.


The quote for the day is:

[shareable cite=”Stephen Covey”]If you want small changes in your life, work on your attitude. But if you want big and primary changes, work on your paradigm.[/shareable]

So work on your paradigm, do something big and shift out of this idea that, if something is stressful, it is not good for you.

The affirmation for the day is:

[shareable]Everyday I examine my past beliefs and release those which no longer serve me. #affirmation[/shareable]

Alright well, I hope this very interesting insight on stress is a help to you.

Just think about it. Some people ride a roller coaster and they love it, they get such a jazz. Other people ride a roller coaster, people like me, and you feel like you are going to die. It is all in how you perceive it. It’s not in the act itself.

* See TED video transcript.

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