I was not pulling out of my repetitive life pattern, year after year, so I recently hired a coach. (Seriously, it was scaring me)

I want to give you nine insights into what I was looking for and what helped me choose the right coach in order to help you find a great coach, if that is what you are looking for at this point in your life. (I’ve been working with my coach for a month and a half as of posting this and it’s been a wonderful experience)

In this Video:

00:33 – To Shop Around or Not?
00:53 – Reliable Resource
01:18 – Original Coaching Philosophy
01:55 – This Goes Without Saying, Meet
02:10 – See Their Tool Box In Action
02.24 – Emotional Connection
02:53 – This is Paramount
03:15 – Does Giving Matter?
03:50 – Don’t Get off Easy
04:50 – Get Some Skin in the Game (No Bargain Basement)
06:03 – Quote from John Maxwell
06:09 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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Maybe you are confused about coaching, maybe you don’t understand, “What am I looking for? How does it work? How do I find a coach?”

Maybe you are ready to get a coach but you just want to know, “What should I look for? What are some of the criteria? What are the best ways to find one?”

I would love to share my experience with you, it is very simple.


It took me a little while, because I am a shopper. I like taking my time and making sure that I really made the right decision.

Here are my nine tips and areas that you can look at for finding a great coach, someone that you will love to work with and who can help you in your personal growth, your business, or whatever your journey is, whatever you are working on and that you want to address.

1. Reliable Resource

First of all, you need a great resource.

You need a great place to be able to look for coaches. You can just Google it if you like. I know there are different websites that bring different coaches together so they can offer their services.

I like the ICF site, the International Coaching Federation site, on their website they have a section that is a referral program for coaches.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]The ICF website is a great place to find high value active coaches.[/shareable]

2. Original Coaching Philosophy

The reason I like them is, because I am really convinced about the real original essence of coaching and that is the non-directional approach to coaching and the tools and methodology that the original coaching ideas bring into our lives and into the success of people’s lives. (Read Coaching for Performance)

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]I am convinced of the original essence of coaching. The non-directional approach has a great impact on people’s lives. [/shareable]

So I went there and I looked around. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to recognize a coach just by looking at their resume, so I used their service and put in a request for proposal. Then the active coaches get back to you.

That was a great way of just getting in contact with people who would read what I had to share and they felt that they resonated with what I needed to work on.

3. This Goes Without Saying, Meet

Now the next step was have an interview with them. I went ahead and I contacted them about six or seven of them and I ended up having an interview with five of them, most of them were willing to give me an hour or forty-five minutes to an hour of their time, to work through a coaching process, or some tool.

4. See Their Tool Box In Action

And that is another tip, I would look for someone who takes the time to really engage in coaching, not just talk about what they can do, or just talk about your life or your past but the actually start explore things and start to challenge you.
Don’t forget to download the free cheat sheet, “Beginner’s Guide to Hiring a Great Life Coach”

5. Emotional Connection

You’ll recognize it, because, this is another tip, …look for someone who is going to really move you. You’re going to feel that connection. They are going to touch those sensitive areas, areas that maybe you are a little bit guarded or you are not sure that you want people in. Those are some of the places that you need work.

So this is the tip that I want to leave you and suggest is looking for someone who is going to tap into those emotions, tap into that energy that is deeper, it is more than just cognitive thinking.

6.This is Paramount

And of course, you want someone who you have a connection with, you want to be able to feel that connection.

For example, when I was doing my interviews, there was one man who was very business like, very professional, I felt and he understood coaching, but it was dry in the sense that I didn’t  connect with him, it was sort of distant.

I connected with most of them, because, frankly, coaches are great people, they know how to work with people and how to connect with people.

7. Does Giving Matter?

I would also recommend someone who is giving, very generous of their time, so that in that first experience, it is not just the sales pitch or sales experience, and they are trying to convince you of their price or their value or what they can do, or their credentials, but they actually take the time to help you through that process, some sort of experience to connect and  get to know you and actually use coaching in that first experience and not just wait for you to pay and then be able to experience some sort of connection, growth or an aha moment.

8. Don’t Get off Easy

Now, I think this is a very important one. You should find someone who challenges you in that first call, not just someone who makes you feel good or makes that emotional connect as I mentioned earlier, but someone who really ramps up your commitment, getting rid of self-imposed limitations or whatever the case is.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Find a coach who doesn’t let you off easy, but ramps up your commitments.[/shareable]

In my case, I had  been spending a lot of money on something that I shouldn’t have been spending a lot of money on and my coach noticed it and she said “Are you good at keeping promises? Can I ask you to make a promise? I want you to promise me not to do this, not to spend money on this area.”

I was like “Oh boy…” And it was really hard for me but it was something that was really essential for me in taking a step of growth that I needed to make.

Having that experience in the coaching session and having her challenge my ideas. “How true these ideas and what you believe about this kind of situation?” Or, whatever the case is.

9. Get Some Skin in the Game (No Bargain Basement)

Now the last point is you want to find someone that is within your price range. Obviously you can’t hire a 5000 a month coach if you are only making 4000 dollars a month.

Having said that, I believe that the quality of a coach is dramatically expressed through the value that they charge.

It is not always the case but try to find someone who is going to offer a lot of value and know what they are providing but also be willing to commit to more than what you might initially comfortable with. “Oh, I want to find the cheapest deal, or this or that.”

Make a commitment, because when you put money into it, you put your money where your mouth is, you find that you are more apt to follow through, you’re more apt to work with that coach and get the most out of it because you have money in the game, you have got skin in the game.

There you have it, you have nine areas that I want to give you when looking for a coach.

I’ll include a download of a cheat sheet that you can use when looking for a coach.

The quote for the day is a little bit different, it is not so much motivational but it gets you thinking about this idea of getting a coach. Should you continue on your own or should you hire a coach. Well consider this:

[shareable cite=”John C. Maxwell”]You cannot take the growth journey alone, Who are you spending time with? #qotd[/shareable]

The affirmation for the day is:

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Playing it safe keeps me safe from every dream I have. Today I risk for my reward. #affirmation[/shareable]

I wish you success in finding a coach and hope you find someone you really resonate with.