I had an amazing experience with meditation today. (Drum roll please…)I spent a full thirty minutes in silence with my eyes closed. (it’s possible)
Thoughts kept my body fluctuating from relaxed to tense and I was constantly moving around and adjusting my posture. So how did I MAKE IT WORK? How can you make it work?
I focused on my breathing and I used the gap technique combined with the release technique. Thoughts kept taking over but as I noticed what was happening, I would then RELEASE these thoughts and focus on the space between the thoughts, the GAP. (It’s like watching a train go by and focusing on what is behind the train as you look between the train cars.)
It may have been twenty minutes in, when I suddenly became aware that I was connecting to my PRESENCE beyond my mind and my thoughts. As I did that, there was a sudden overwhelming feeling. It was peace, a happiness, and a comfort. It made me cry.
It was almost like that feeling you get when you’ve been away on an exhausting day at work, you get home and the one you love is there, be it your partner, parent, or child, and you feel the LOVE and strength of being with them again.
Putting it more dramatically, it might be like having an emergency that is out of your field of expertise to handle, when suddenly the RIGHT PEOPLE show up and take over. You’re so happy to hand it over to the medical professional, the PR specialist, the crisis management team, your boss, or whoever is in the best position to relieve you and bring out the best outcome.
That connection to our INNER SELF is always there but we often forget it.
I was then reminded almost in an audible voice, that I need to keep that connection ACTIVE through my THOUGHTS.
I need to take action, I need to work and move things forward, but then, as I do there are those thoughts, concerns, and worries which come gnawing at my strength.
Going forward, I will REPLACE that concern or negative outcome, which I imagine, with a POSITIVE one.
If I cannot see that positive option clearly, I will then simply LET GO of those thoughts in order to be ready and have the strength and presence of mind to identify the solution clearly when it appears, and to then take the appropriate course of ACTION.
Once again, the importance of DESIRE and FOCUS, and the key role that they play in my ability to reach my goals and succeed, is very CLEAR.
I must simply keep a clear image of the outcome I’m aiming for IN MY MIND and stoke the fire of desire which will drive me through the obstacles and give me the strength to achieve the best outcome in reaching my goal.
I’m connected to the Universe, to SOURCE, to Life.
My mind is becoming highly focused and perfectly calm #affirmation