Being okay with our bodies is a big topic these days. Have you seen the posts with beautiful overweight women? In some cases they are praised for having strong self-esteem and being proud of the their natural body.

I think that is great and for most part it leads to happier people and happier relationships. As a matter personal taste I prefer women with a few curves over the thin and “perfect” types. However, could there be a downside to this blanket optimism?

In this Video:

00:34 – What One Woman Discovered working with Tony Robbins
01:15 – What is your Defense Mechanism?
01:46 – Hot Tip for Receiving Insights
02:20 – When Allowing and Being Okay Is Not Okay
03:18 – Quote from George Washington Carver
03:22 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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Hi! Welcome to, my name is Abe Stone, I am the life design coach.

It is great to see you here. Today I have another special insight for you.

It is from personal experience but I think that you will find this one particularly useful and as you look at your life and as you reflect on those things that have either pained you or hurt you, or in some ways you have struggling to overcome or have a breakthrough in.

Some Harmful Things Provide Us With Good

I was watching Tony Robbins’ series the other day and what he was having a strategic intervention on stage with a woman. He does amazing job working with people. He gets the whole crowd involved. It’s really beautiful.

The woman discovered that she had weight problem because of certain experiences in her past and the weight became a way of sort-of loving and protecting herself. (Read Awaken the Giant Within)

Defense Mechanisms

Now, I recently had experience, actually just this morning when I was working out. Maybe it wasn’t as drastic or as big of an issue as the one that I watched  but it’s a pretty big one for me.

You probably heard me talk about wanting to lose weight, wanting to lose my gut. I have been working out for a few years. You’re probably bored of hearing about it.

Here is the thing that happened.

I was working out and a thought came to me:

Your belly has been a defense mechanism.”

I was like, “What?” I have been fine with my belly, I really don’t care. Girls like me anyway. I have been a nice guy. I had no self esteem issues over my belly.

Then the next thought came and I realized, my belly was a way of guarding myself from failure. I have a great fear of failure than I had realized.

I noticed it the other day and all these thoughts came together this morning while I was working out.

Hot Tip: By the way, taking down time, working out, and recreational activities are very important in life. That is where you can have some amazing thoughts and amazing insights.

(Read The Greatness Guide)

[shareable]Down time, workouts, and recreational activities provide space for you to have amazing thoughts and insights. @Abe_Stone[/shareable]

Avoiding Failure?

Not long ago, I was at a casual sports event with friends and there were competitions. I had signed up to play badminton . I love badminton. It is a really fun sport. But I didn’t want to lose, I was afraid of losing cause I was up against a really good guy.

So I said, “Hey, do you want mine?” and I gave it to another guy. He signed up and sure enough, he lost. Thank was what going to happen because the other guy was so good.

I had protected myself, you see. I have done that in my life.

I have protected myself by allowing my belly to grow. It was my defense mechanism.

“Well, I never intended to have a six-pack anyway. I never intended to have that. I’m okay. I’m very self confident and I have a lot of self esteem.”

That was all good. But why would I let this thing come in the way and hinder another part of my life, which is my health? My health us very important to me.

Recently, I have been working on it and I’ve been changing it.

What I have come to find is that what I really need to address is behind that belly, that crutch that is sort of keeping me safe. It is fear of failure.

I have got to get out and just keep trying things and not shrink from possible failure and challenges, and move forward in that area.

[shareable]Get out and just keep trying things. Don’t shrink from possible failure and challenges. @Abe_Stone[/shareable]

That is what I am doing these days. It’s been wonderful and it’s part of the journey that I’m going through with this website and my new book that is coming out real soon.

Anyway, that is a little personal insight into my life and I hope it is a little help for you in some way.


And now for the quote for today:

Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.”

George Washington Carver

The affirmation for today is:

[shareable]I let go of all excuses and embrace the life I am meant to be living. #Affirmation[/shareable]

Wow, just get out there and embrace your life. Don’t live in the shadow. Don’t hide behind crutches. Don’t let things in your life be excuses for not being more, for not doing more.

If you are watching this anywhere else, come over to where I have these training videos and many others, there is excellent training that I hope you find very insightful. I give you coaching insights and tips and a lot of practical life skills.

If you are watching this video on Youtube please click the like button, or click the thumbs down button. I really don’t care, I just want to hear your reaction.

My name is Abe Stone, I am the life design coach over at

Bye for now! Take Care!