Is all this mind stuff just a hoax? Are all these thought gurus just telling us what we want to hear and making a profit on it? I get hit with these kind of  questions too. Using mind tools, when there is so much work to be done can seem like a waste of time and an unhealthy distraction.

Being in the middle of a life direction shift and a career adjustment has got me looking at so many areas of my life. The crazy thing is that, I have had it quite good. I’ve done things I’ve enjoyed and experienced a relatively meaningful life of contribution.

Now I’m looking for more. I’m at a point were I need to grow and reach the next stage development in my life. After the age of 40 it can be hard to see how to change and shift in the new direction I feel drawn to.

I’ve read the success stories. I’ve probably read many of the same books you have, on personal development and the powers of the mind. What I’ve concluded is that these things don’t work unless you do! And that’s the great thing, you do, we do. I work, I really work. I work, in the sense that get involved, I take action and do the work. I also work and function well.

So do you! You really do work! I know you didn’t get an instruction manual with your brain, but that is one of the beauties of it all, you are unique. There are so many ideas and incredible, working, personal development tools out there, but in the end it’s you that has to find your key and activate it.

All these things do work but you have to know yourself, trust yourself, and begin taking action. As for that raise, start that business, begin that health program, plan that trip, write that book. Get involved in reaching for your dream or goal. Then learn the ropes along the way.

So what, if you fail? So what, if you fall? This life is all about learning and growing, and failure is one of those learning tools. The question is not whether these tools work, it’s whether you will learn how to use them.

Here’s the deal with this creative visualization stuff.

  • Creative visualization doesn’t work if that’s all you do. (That goes for just about all of the personal development or mind tools.) Once you’ve used the tool, you need to take massive action and do something about it. Find the next step and then get to work.
  • It’s not easy to engage the mind in new thinking, it is part of the work. Take time to engage in creative visualization on a regular basis. The biggest challenge many people have is realizing that using our mind productively is also work. I know this sounds contrary to what I said before. As someone I recently chatted with on the topic said, ” I think it’s probably both/and rather than either/or”. Thanks Michael.
  • You are accomplishing two things when you use creative visualization.
    1. You are changing your beliefs.
    2. You are actually developing your physical ability and skill in that area.
  • Depending on the endeavor you will need to find right amount of time to invest in creative visualization. I’d recommend 10-20 minutes initially. Studies of athletes have shown that ideal physical to mental training ratio is 25% physical and 75% visualization or mental imagery training.

I’ll be the first to admit, I’ve got a long way to go in using the full potential of this tool. I will say this, it does work. I’ve seen it in other people’s lives. Actually, now that I think of it, it is working in my life too, I just hadn’t stopped to look back and realize how much my life has changed, I am growing, I’m in an incredible new place and I know creative visualization has played a key role.

Take a bold step, try a new personal development tool. Don’t do it because anyone is telling you to. Do it because you are unique and you are uncovering mystery that is you. You have an amazing mind. You have an amazing body. You really do work!

[reminder]If anything was possible how would you picture your ideal life five years from now? What is one of your favorite mental development tools for success in your life? [/reminder]