Why are people always talking about personal development? I’m satisfied with my answer, but I don’t think it’s for everyone, or is it?
When I was younger it was more about trying to figure myself out, now it’s simpler than that. I think it’s a natural part of life but personally I’m a bit of a nerd in this area.
In this Video:
00:10 – You May Have Experienced One of These
00:53 – One of Your 7 Basic Human Needs
01:41 – My Online Mentors
01:39 – This Guy Has a History in This
02:16 – He Likes Wisdom from the East
03:07 – For People Who Love Lists
03:42 – This Guy Wants to Get You Addicted
04:01 – The Giant
04:36 – His Charge Will Give You a Buzz
05:34 – Quote from Napoleon Hill
05:52 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward
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Hi there! This is CoachingReallyWorks.com. I am Abe Stone, the life design coach here.
Today, I have a special gift for you. I want to introduce you to six amazing personal development websites.
I have no affiliations with these websites or the producers of the website so I am not getting any kickback for this but they are great people that I have been following.
If you remember anything about my past, my beginnings, there was a very difficult time when I ended up getting divorced, my family was starting to get splintered up, I lost the career that I been involved in and I had to almost start over from the beginning.
These are people that have really made impact in my life and part of the reason that I am here today, able to share this amazing training that I have put into all these videos.
[shareable]What is the reason for personal development?[/shareable]But Why Personal Development?
So here they are, in no particular order, but before I get into these links:
What is the reason for personal development?”
Why would you even be interested in personal development?”
One of the basic human needs, one of the things that drive is our need for GROWTH.
When we have growth in our lives, we are happy, we are fulfilled, we have this feeling of accomplishment, of satisfaction, because we are designed to grow. It happens naturally.
Most of us are growing all the time. We are learning a little bit here, a little bit there but when we take time focus on it and give it our attention, boy, it is such a satisfying experience and we can reach new heights so much faster than when we just let life happen to us.
[shareable]When we take time focus on our growth and give it our attention, we can reach new heights so much faster than when we just let life happen to us.[/shareable]So here they are:
The Proctor Gallagher Institute
One of the first ones that I came across was Bob Proctor.
I came across his products early on in my personal development journey and growth. I really enjoyed a lot of his insight and wisdom. He has been around for a very long time so the stuff that he shares is really powerful.
He recently rebranded and grouped with another woman her name is Gallagher, so the website is, proctorgallagherinstitute.com
They have regular posts going there. One of their real strengths is understanding the mind and having a real clear image of mind and the use of affirmations for reprogramming the mind.
Finer Minds
This one is called finerminds.com, it is from a man called Vishen Lakhiani.
Internationally, worldwide they run one of the biggest personal development businesses in the world. And they have many products under their brand, they are very successful with what they do, they gather together some amazing people.
One of those people that I refer to in my previous post is T Harv Eker. They teamed up with him a while back to get his message out even further.
Their blog is just a nice mixture and a lot of variety particularly aiming towards mental growth, mental health, but you can find anything from physical health tips to goal setting.
It is a very rich site.
Marc and Angel
The next one is probably a favorite for many people and if you are interested in personal development all, I’m sure you’ve probably heard of them. It’s called markandangel.com
Marc and Angel do a great job at compiling amazing lists. “6 Reasons Why This…” “23 Ways You Don’t Want to…”. The thing is that when they put their stuff together it is well researched and you’ve got a lot of references and resources.
I would see almost as a springboard to more study. They recommend great book, great authors that are also in the personal development world.
Addicted 2 Success
Another one that is a really modern player in the personal development world is addictedtosuccess.com
Joel Brown’s real drive is about success, motivation, what makes things happen and how to get your life and game up to that high gear.
Tony Robbins
Now another one is Tony Robins, his website has recently been rebranded and they created a new blog called humananelevation.tonyrobbins.com (note: changed to tonyrobbins.com/blog)
I love the work that Tony Robbins does. He really focuses on challenging your thoughts. He has what he calls strategic interventions and they are amazing.
If you have a chance Google and find some of those videos, I definitely recommend them. They are heartwarming and they really get you to think.
I am actually going to put up a post on something that one of his videos has gotten me to think about recently. (Read Awaken the Giant Within)
Brendon Burchard
Finally, I have Brendon Burchard. His website is brendon.com/blog He is amazing. He has a lot of passion in the things that he shares. He has been through some rough experiences in life but he has been excellent in motivation and achievement. I definitely recommend that you follow him.
Early on I felt that he was too much for me but in the end in turned out he had great insights and he has helped me and turned things around for me.
So there you have it, six amazing websites for personal development which I know you will benefit from.
Again these are strictly in the areas of personal development and growth. There are a lot of other areas in personal development, there is health and fitness, there is more to do with the family life, and relationships, but these are all about growth, success, goal setting, and going forward.
Now here’s the quote for today:
Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.”
Napoleon Hill
Now that may be a hard pill to swallow but think about workout, think about exercise. The only time that you really experience gains is when it was a struggle, when you were challenged, when there was some effort and continuous work from you.
And now for the affirmation:
[shareable]I am the kind of person who is always learning and discovering. #affirmation[/shareable]I hope this short video was a help and I hope that you would check out those links and I hope you really absorb them and learn everything you can about personal development. Thanks really the key, constant learning.
If you are watching this anywhere else, come over to coachingreallyworks.com, that is where I blog and post these videos and other training.
I’d love to see you there.
If you are on Youtube, give me a thumbs up or a thumbs down, I just want to know your reaction. I want to know what you think.
Thanks again for watching!
I am Abe Stone, a life design coach at CoachingReallyWorks.com
Bye for now! Take care!