Audry Hepburn is quoted as saying “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, ‘I’m possible.’” She may have a good point here.

Is it that the thing we are facing is impossible? Why are we so quick to dismiss things and simply say, “It’s impossible”? Could it be that we are secretly saying we don’t believe in ourselves. 

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Could it be that we are secretly saying we don’t believe in ourselves, when we say, ‘It’s impossible.'[/shareable]

What are we really saying?

1. I don’t want him to get mad at me, so I won’t bring that up.”


2. If I ask for that job, they could say no, and I don’t want to deal with rejection.”


3. Taking more time to study is going to require commitment on my part and I’d rather do something fun.”


4. Children are tough and I don’t want to figure out how to get through to my daughter, so I’ll just let her do what she wants.”


5. I’d rather be free to buy things, than be free from debt. Debt is something I don’t want to give up.”


6. It may take a lot of work and focus to turn my business around, so I’ll keep putting out fires instead.”


7. The attraction I feel is drawing me to her but I may get hurt if I open my heart or feelings to her.”

[shareable cite=”Audry Hepburn”]“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, ‘I’m possible.’” #quote[/shareable]

Nothing is impossible. The Word itself says,-I'm possible.-

Find your “impossible” and make a new statement where “it” is possible. You MAKE IT POSSIBLE. Now take ACTION.

If you want to start telling a new story of your life and possibilities read the post How To Start Living Your New Story Today!

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]As my belief in what is possible expands, so does what is possible for me! #affirmation[/shareable]

[reminder]What have you told yourself is impossible for your in your life?[/reminder]