Do you ever feel annoyed after starting a day, full of hope and expectation, only to have it unravel as time seems to slip through your fingers? Check out this infographic which embraces a set of mental adjustments and practical steps you may want to experiment with on your pathway to success.

Infographic courtesy of

I have found that, though there are some key tenets to productivity, there a variety of ways to get to a productive state and it is important for each of us to discover what works for us personally. (Read Getting Things Done)

While I agree with the bulk of this list, I think there is something to be said for hard work. While day 3 promotes working smarter and not harder, I believe it is in the balance between the two were we will find success.

Remember to set a monthly SMART goals, weekly stepping stones, and daily plans.

In summary these are the seven tips you may want to incorporate in some way into your productivity plan.

  1. Do the most difficult tasks first thing in the morning.
  2. Have the right attitude. Take 5 min to meditate and feel the difference it makes.
  3. Work smarter and work hard.
  4. Don’t give up just because things are difficult.
  5. Do what you can and let go of the rest.
  6. Surround yourself with the right people, those who will lift you higher.
  7. Keep moving and taking action.
[reminder]What are some productivity tips which have helped you and you would like to share?[/reminder]
