Oh god, doesn’t it feel awesome when you finally get over that hurdle? But what made the difference?

Do you know any of these three elements, Tony Robbins says were most likely at play? Oh, and you can also make these happen intentionally.

In this Video:

00:23 – You Had This Experience
00:47 – Did You Do One of These Three Things?
01:20 – I Bet You’ve Use Them Here
03:49 – Tony Robbins and Why You Are Where You Are
04:00 – Move into Action With This Affirmation

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Hi there! I am Abe Stone, the life design coach and this is Coaching Really Works.

I am so glad that you are here, you are the reason that I make these videos and I am so happy to have this opportunity to share another amazing tip with you.

Today’s tip is about breakthroughs.

We all have experienced breakthroughs in different ways, we have had experiences where we have been stuck and we wanted to do something and that breakthrough worked out. That thing happened. We were stuck and  we didn’t know how to do it but we managed to get through it.

Very often one of three different things have happened to make that breakthrough possible. Tony Robbins talks about them in his books and his courses. (Read Awaken the Giant Within)

They are strategy, story, and state.

I am going to go through all of them in detail in the next couple of videos but for now I want to give you a quick insight and understanding of how it works, so you can start noticing them and using them to change your life to create those breakthroughs and experiences that you are looking for and that you are dreaming about and that you really want.

Do You Use Them Naturally?

I am going to use a simple analogy that we are all familiar with.

Whether we have done well with it or not, is a different story. Maybe you’ve failed several times with it but at some time in your life it has probably worked out.

I want to use falling in love, your love life, or getting into relationships to illustrate this point.

Here goes…


You meet someone, you see them in a bar or you meet them at work. You are interested, you would like to get to know them better, to get close to them but you don’t know how. You feel that rush, that anxiety and you really want to do this. Well, you’ve got to come up with a plan.

That is where strategy comes into play. You make a strategy, you got to ask her out or ask him. Maybe you want to go to a dinner or see if there is some event that they are attending and see if you can spend time together, get to know each other and that way improve your chances of getting into that friendship and eventually a relationship.


You might have a strategy figured out. You feel like you know what the best opportunity is or what you would like to ask her to do or what would work but if your story is telling you that it is not going to work, you are too tall of you are too thin. Or, she doesn’t like guys like you. Maybe you are too old or too young.

Whatever the case if, that story is going to keep you from having that breakthrough, that relationship that you are looking for.


The third one is quite obvious but for a relationship to work, for any sort of romantic relationship or involvement you are going to have to be in state.

You can have that right strategy, you can come to the right place, you can tell yourself that you can do it but if you get there, and you are not feeling in love, and you are not interested, or you are not really there for that person and wanting to get to know them, how do you think that date is going to turn out? Not very well. It’s pretty easy to guess where that is going to go.

Be Intentional

Now the thing is in life and in many other areas, in business, in goals, in personal development, in things that we want to do, habits that we want to kick or things that we want to grow into, we are faced with the same three elements to having great breakthroughs in our lives.

In many cases, we really only need only of these to make a great change but if you can figure out how to put all three of them put together and use all three, wow, you are set up for an amazing breakthrough.

So see how you can do this the next time you are struggling or you are looking for a breakthrough, how you can put strategy, story, and state to work for you.

[shareable]Use strategy, story, or state the next time you are struggling or looking for a breakthrough. @Abe_Stone[/shareable]

I ‘ll get into more details later in other videos.

For now I am going to leave you with the quote for the day. (And it’s Tweetable!)

[shareable]”If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” @TonyRobbins[/shareable]

And now I am going to leave you with the affirmation for the week, please write it down and read it twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening before you go to bed.

My thoughts, my words, my actions really do create my world. That is why I think great thoughts, I say great words, and I take great actions.”

I hope this video was of help to you. And I hope that you are able to find how you are going to be able to fit them into your next breakthrough. Please leave me a comment in the comment section below.

I’d love it if you give me a thumbs up on YouTube to let me know if you like this video.

Please leave a comment in the comment section below or on Facebook where I post these videos.

Please tell me:

[reminder]What is something that you’re up against and need a break through in?[/reminder]

If you are watching this anywhere else, come over to CoachingReallyWorks.com, that is where I blog and post these videos. You’ll find other treasures like this, that I’m sure you’ll enjoy.

This is Abe Stone the life design coach at CoachinReallyWorks.com

Take Care!