It can be hard to see s#*t coming your way and be ready for it.

In fact, you might have a good idea of what is coming but still not be able to hold yourself together against the wave of emotions or unexpected spinoffs from the challenges hitting you.

When that happens:

  • Find someone to talk to. Don’t go at it alone.
  • Take some time to disconnect from your busy life, whether it be to read, listen to music, or simply walk it out.
  • Don’t make any major life decisions while in the middle of a downturn in your life.
  • Write out your thoughts, feelings, concerns.
  • Remember, this will pass. The sun will come out after the rain.

A friend has always been a lifesaver when I’ve hit bottom. See, the great thing is that when you connect with someone they can often help you remember some of the other things listed here.