Make Your Goals Emotionally Powerful, SMART Goals That Rock [Inforgraphic]

Frustration is probably starting to sink in. Are you one for setting New Years resolutions and goals at the beginning of the year? Had BIG ideas filled your head as the freshness of the New Year stirred your bravado? Maybe things are going well, and you’ve just gotten things rolling, or you feel in the groove with your new weight loss program or the business project you put together with your partner. If so, kudos!

As for me I sometimes wonder if I have ADD, or whatever they’re calling it. I tend to think of myself as a pretty upbeat person, always interested in getting involved in something new. It’s the getting started part that always gets me going. Then that idea needs a place to go, some landing gear, but before I know it I’m off to a new challenge. Am I the only one? (more…)

(Images) 17 Love Quotes to Take You Deeper

With all the buzz about love, I thought of seeing what Google had to say. Considering a picture is worth a thousand words, I simply typed love in my search for images. Here’s a screenshot of the results. Does Google take love to only be the romantic love between two people who love each other? Well, it does seem to be the dominant view.

As I scrolled down in my search (17 mouse scrolls to be exact) the theme didn’t change much. I believe the love between two people who love each other is a wonderful thing. It’s been attributed as a key to a success in life by many of the greats throughout history. In fact, experiencing it at some point in life is an essential part of a rich full existence, but how about some of the other, less talked about, aspects of love.

Consider some of the alternative images of love I found as I searched a little deeper. (more…)

6 Steps You Can Use to Turn Your Desire into Reality

Did your parents tell you to be content with what you have, when you were growing up? Mine did and I know they meant well. Sometimes people ask, “Why can’t you just be happy with your job?” or career, income, status, etc. That desire in your gut is an often misunderstood and maligned part of the healthy you.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s essential to be content with what we have. I strongly believe showing gratitude for all the good in our lives is a must if we are continue receiving. However, it is my belief that, to quell desire on its existence alone is a mistake, if we are to grow, develop, and reach our full potential. (more…)

Jump or Life Will Give You A Shove

What could happen if you finally took that leap to do the very thing you’ve been dreaming of doing? Or, maybe you’re like me and you just like things the way things are and you don’t want to know what could happen. Well, sort of? Actually, not at all.

I love how this video highlights the tension that exists as we develop and learn throughout life. To tell you the truth I was just lazy, and scared of making a mess, if I tried anything new. There you have it, that is what kept me in my “comfort zone”. (more…)

Habits … Beliefs … and Eagles

What do these all have in common?

I read a story about an eagle, which had been chained so long to a stake in the ground that he had worn a rut in the ground, by going around and around it.

Photo courtesy of

The bird was getting old. Its master felt sorry for it and thought, “I’m going to set it free!” He took the metal ring off of its foot. Then he took the eagle and tossed it into the air. What do you suppose happened? (more…)

What You Can Do About the Paradigm Holding You Back

That feeling in your gut can be terrifying. You know, the one that comes at a moment when you need to choose. “Do I want to stay where I am in life, or do I want to move on to something else?” Myself, I wanted to dance. I didn’t know how to, but I wanted to be were people were having fun. So how did I make that happen?  What keeps some people from taking that kind of a leap?

Photo courtesy of

As I look back, I realize something. When I was young it was easier to make changes or do something new. Why? I was growing, learning, and finding out about life.

As I’ve gotten older, those choices and the decisions I’ve made, have formed into my paradigm. In our youth we are still very engaged in the process.  Then, we settle over time. (more…)

6 Simple Steps For Creating Laser Focus Using Lists

If you’re like me you probably have more things on your to-do list than you can possibly accomplish in a week much less in a day. It can be very frustrating to achieve the level of focus necessary to make consistent progress towards a goal or a dream.

Photo courtesy of

I find that this is something a coach has helped me with a fair bit, over time. However coaching is not always available, so here’s a simple self-coaching tool you can employ for consistently creating focus in your work. It’s from a role model of mine Earl Nightingale and was first attributed to Ivy Lea who was paid $25,000 by Charles Schwab once he tried it out. (more…)

The Truth About How Failure Changes Everything

A natural reaction to failure can be to pull back and not try again. Having been negatively affected by failure, it’s easy to feel we’re doing the right thing when we try to help others or our children avoid failure and not end up in difficult situations.

The moment I fail, I know I’m at the point of a breakthrough in learning. It’s the point where the new me emerges.

– Robert Kiyosaki

Author of  Rich Dad  Poor Dad


My 8 years old daughter walked up to me with her iPad in her hand, looking a little down. She had accidentally changed a setting and was locked out of being able make changes to the apps she had installed. She is a naturally curious person and in all her exploring on the iPad she had set a restricting password and forgot it.