Now one would think of eating their grandma, but I read that the kids said, “Let’s eat grandma!” Sounds terrible but if you add a comma it’s a different experience. “Let’s eat, grandma!”

That’s a critical writing mistake that completely changes the outcome of the conversation, but the subconscious mind has a challenge with the actual words we use as well. The self-talk words we use play a huge role in the way our days and lives turn out.

In this Video:

00:30 – Go From Planning to Power Planning
01:00 – It’s in These Words
01:40 – How My Coach Turned My Burden  Around
02:05 – A Little Dinner Chat with a Friend
02:20 – Action Step
03:48 – Quote from – William James
04:15 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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Today I have something really short and quick for you and it’s about what you’re hearing coming out of my mouth, your language, the words that you use, the way that you say things.

I have talked about this before and it’s actually quite an interesting subject because there are so many different tips and ideas that can help and I have a really actionable one that you can use today.

And I’ll tell you what happened to me;

Go From Planning to Power Planning

I was working with my coach and I had just come up with some great ideas and I was making a “To do” list, I pulled out my pen and I said, “Okay well I have to do this and I have to do this… “

And she said “Wait wait wait, stop. Just one moment. Do you hear how you just said that? You said, I have to, I have to take care of this I have to call so and so.”

It’s in These Words

There’s something about your words when you use words that have power, words that are moving you forward, the subconscious mind and the energy, everything that is involved in taking action and moving you forward goes to work for you.

It’s a very different experience going forward if you use power words as opposed to words that pull you back or are weakening.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]It’s a very different experience going forward if you use power words as opposed to words that pull you back or are weakening.[/shareable]

And in this case it was very simple. “I have to” is a burden, it’s something you have to do and when I say “I have to”, I feel it, I actually literally feel it kind of around my ears.

I have to do this and I actually want to do that, it’s actually something that I, it’s on my list, I have a lot of excitement about it and it’s a desire. Maybe it’s a little bit of work and I’m not super excited, but when I say “I have to”, it’s draining.

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How My Coach Turned My Burden  Around

So she said, “Use the word ‘I want to do this’”. So I did that right away and I sat there and I said okay, I want to and I want to do this, and there was nothing there, I didn’t actually feel it and it was actually a physical presence.

And so, moving forward, all right, I have this “To do” list and I want to do this, I want to do this, I want to take care of this, I want to take care of this, the burden was completely lifted away.

A Little Dinner Chat with a Friend

Actually I was sitting at dinner the other day talking to a friend and we were catching up on all kinds of things. And I told her about this experience, and she says, “Oh my gosh, I love that one! I’m going to do that! From now on I’m going to just talk in that language, it makes so much sense!” And she felt it just sitting there, the dinner table, it was amazing.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone” text=”Pay attention to your words. Remember “I want to, don’t have to.””]Pay attention to your words the next time you’re sitting down either in a meeting or planning. Remember “I want to, don’t have to.”[/shareable]

Okay, so do that, pay attention to your words the next time you’re sitting down either in a meeting or planning, put a reminder somewhere, “I want to, don’t have to.”

So, I hope this tip helps you and I hope you can put it to work.

Now here’s your quote for today,

[shareable cite=” William James”]The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.[/shareable]

Now here’s your affirmation for today, remember, write it down, post it by your bed or in your bathroom in your kitchen, somewhere on your way out the door, remember to look at it at least twice a day, once in the morning when you wake up, once before you go to bed and say it at least three times.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Today I choose to use words that will have a positive impact on my actions.[/shareable]