Walking up to a stranger in a party and introducing yourself should be simple enough, right? For some of us it is, yet others of us struggle.

Is it possible to change something like this in ourselves? With all my heart, I truly believe it is. All we need to know, is how to change the programing.

In this Video:

00:05 – My Friend’s transformation
01:43 – Creative Visualization
02:45 – The SERVO Mechanism a.k.a Autopilot
03:18 – 1 Simple Thing You Can Do Each Morning
04:48 – Quote from Napoleon Hill
04:58 – Affirmation to Help You Access your Autopilot

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Hi there! I’m Abe Stone. Welcome to Coaching Really Works.

Years ago I remember hearing from a friend of mine. We’d been friends as teenagers and we lost contact over the years. At one point I remember getting in touch with her again on Facebook and I discovered that she has gotten into writing.

She loved writing before, but it was something that she had put to the side.

I remember reading a short post that she had made about how she remembered when she was younger, as a young mother, with her family walking by a bookstore, looking at the window and thinking “Oh, I would love to see my books there, it would be so great to be a published author some day.”

She didn’t just think it, she claimed it and said “I am going to see my books there. I am going to be a published author. I am going to be just like that person in that window.”

It took her a few years before her dream came true but it really did. Now she is an author and she has been published all over the world and she continues writing and she has a whole series of novels that she has written. Her name is Taylor Steven.

How Healthy are Your Self-images?

The thing is, when it comes to your life, the direction that it is going to go, the way things play out and the level of success you have, this is all part of what works inside your mind.

Your mind work in images, it works in pictures, it doesn’t work in words. Often we can try to convince yourself to do something, we can use words, we can read about something but in the end it all translates into images emotions, and feelings that connect to those images.

If you can learn to use those images to create the future you desire, you are working very much in line with the way the mind works – this is called creative visualization.

[shareable]If you can learn to use those images to create the future your desire, you are working very much in line with the way the mind works – this is called creative visualization.[/shareable]

Creative Visualization

It is an amazing technique, which has been known for years. People have studied it detail. In fact it has been proven now that many athletes, use this and somewhere between 60 and 70 percent of their training happens in visualization.

Even Michael Phelps was once quoted on this when he won the Olympics. He was talking about how his coach, his trainer would tell him, “Okay, Michael, it is time to put the videotape it.” What he would do is play a video in his mind, a mental videotape of him winning the race and making it through with excellent timing, in perfect shape, perfect strokes, the whole deal. (Read The Miracle Morning)

Get Programed Like a Smart Bomb

Now, the thing is you can use this too. I want you to picture your mind as being like one of those smart bombs that you have heard about. They have a camera in the front and it is knows what the target looks like or it’s been programed onto the target and it goes searching. If it goes off course it goes back on course again because it knows what the target it.

The mind is the same way. Maxwell Maltz, described it a long time ago. It’s what he called the “servo mechanism.” It is a self correcting mechanism, it knows where it is meant to be and if it is not, it adjusts itself. (Read Psycho-Cybernetics)

The mind is very much that way, it is that self image you carry your mind. It is about yourself, your possibilities, your beliefs, the limits you have, whatever the case may be. Now, in this part of our series I want to give you a simple technique for creative visualization that you can use every day to start your day.

5 Easy Steps to Using Creative Visualization

I recommend doing it starting with about 5 minutes in the morning, right after you get up. It goes something like this.

  1. First, get comfortable. Find a comfortable char. Get out of bed so you don’t fall back to sleep. Get comfortable, sit down.
  2. Close your eyes is the second step.
  3. Once you close your eyes, just take some time to relax. Just breathe in, count to the three and breathe out counting down from three. Breath in again, hold it for three seconds and breath out.
  4. Once you feel relaxed then it is time for the fourth step and that is to simply, with your eyes close, picture a screen, kind of like an IMAX screen or a tv screen, whatever screen you can picture out and away from you.
  5. The fifth step is to project an image onto that screen of you performing the activity that you want to perform or learning how to perform it or in some way engaging in an activity that is moving you towards your dream, a goal, or maybe a success in something that you are struggling with.

Whatever the case may be, creative visualization is a powerful tool that you can use right away. It may take a little bit of practice but just start with this simple five steps.

There is a variety of ways that this can be done, there is also the Silva System in which there are different color screens and you switch from one screen to another. But rather than getting all complicated, just stick with this one simple technique and you will see that things will start changing.

Quote of the day:

Anything the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

Napoleon Hill


I am the writer, director and actor of my own movie. I like what I see.”

I would like to hear what you think about this video.

[reminder]What is some way that you have used creative visualization in the past? What tips or comments to do you have for other readers who want to use creative visualization?[/reminder]

If you are watching this anywhere else, come over to CoachingReallyWorks.com, that is where all the action is. I’d love to see you there.

This is Abe Stone at Coaching Really Works.

Take Care!