It would be better for you to close this tab and forget about this video, if you are only here because I’m posting it. Actually, now that I think about it, why should I post this video?

You see, there is a common problem we all face. Too often we do or we get involved in things that are not moving us one step closer to our ultimate vision, simply because we are not clear about what our vision is.

In this Video:

00:28 – Have You Forgotten This?
01:00 – The Yearly Cycle You Want to Stop
01:29 – My Coach Made The Big Picture Simple
03:18 – The Funnel That Simplifies Your Choices
03:32 – Be SMART About Goal Setting
03:48 – Quote from Usher
04:15 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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Goals can be an extremely discouraging topic, when you realize that there are so many things that you haven’t accomplished, and there is so much further that you have to go.

Have You Forgotten This?

At the same time if you look at them, you realize that there so much that you have done and that these next goals are achievable, they are attainable.

A lot of times when we get to this of time year we’re looking at the next couple of months and we realize the year is almost over.

Most of us get so busy with the holiday season that we don’t really pay attention. We get to the end of the year and we really can’t do anything. We lose track of, “Well, how far did I come? How far do I have to go? What could I still do to reach my goals this year?”

The Yearly Cycle You Want to Stop

You look at the next year. You’re discouraged. The year hits you. You’ve gotta start running and you’re not ready. You don’t have clarity.

You take some time to stop but the year is already in. Then you repeat this cycle again, and again.

What is something you could do to stop this vicious cycle of not really getting there and trying again, not really getting there and trying again?

[callout]Update: Have you checked out my book? I just released “So? Start Over!: Experience Clarity, Do What Matters, Live Your Dream” which includes worksheets, cheatsheets, and bonus material. Click here to check it out![/callout]

I found that I was recently in that situation and it was really bugging me.

I talked to my coach about it and there was something that she brought up.

My Coach Made The Big Picture Simple

First she asked me a question. She said, “Abe, what is your vision for your life?”

I said, “Well, I’d like to get my business set up, and use it to help others, and to support my family.”

“No, no, no. You’ve gotta think bigger. What is your big vision?”

“Well, I’d like to spend time with my children, and invest in my children, and set them up with understanding about life, and get them off to good educations, a good beginning in their lives. I’m having a hard time with this because I’m not with them right now.”

Okay, that was my bigger vision. I realized these other things, setting up a business, the job that I have, the phone calls, where I am, going to see my kids, all these things are strategies to living a bigger vision that I have for my life.

After the strategies, there are different projects that I’m involved in that move me forward.

Then I need to identify them, put dates down for accomplishing them, and watch how everything leads to my ultimate vision. This really changed things for me.

[offer-box href=”” linktext=”Reminder: Have you checked out my book? I just released “So? Start Over!: Experience Clarity, Do What Matters, Live Your Dream” which includes worksheets, cheatsheets, and bonus material. Click here to check it out!” securecheckout=”true” footnote=”Get It on Amazon”]

That’s one thing I want you to think about right now, before we get into the holiday season, before you get discouraged about not reaching your goals or you start to look at the pile of goals that you have for next year.

The Funnel That Simplifies Your Choices

Take some time to think. What is your vision? What is your big vision? Not just, get a raise, start a business, or these other things that are very important and are big keys to our happiness and our fulfillment in life, but what is the big vision.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Take some time to think. What is your vision?[/shareable]

Where do you want to be?

What do you see is there?

How do you feel being there?

What are you experiencing?

Who is there with you?

Think about that big vision. Then when you have that vision, everything that you decide, all the different strategies and projects that you work on are all going to somehow either tie into that goal or they are not going to tie into that goal.

You can make those decisions quickly because you realize, “This is not taking me towards my big vision, I need to work on something that will.”

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]This is not taking me towards my big vision, I need to work on something that will.[/shareable]

Now for one last tip.

Be SMART About Goal Setting

Be sure to set SMART goals. Make sure they are things that you can measure, things that are time specific and you know that by this time, you are going to be able to to be at that goal. You are going to work hard and make it happen.

Here’s the quote for today.

[shareable cite=”Usher” text=”You may not be where you want to be. But be willing to have vision and foresight that leads you to an incredible end.”]Success is about dedication. You may not be where you want to be or do what you want to do when you’re on the journey. But you’ve got to be willing to have vision and foresight that leads you to an incredible end.[/shareable]

Now let me leave you with a great affirmation, that will help you towards your big vision.

Remember, be sure to write it down and put it by your bedside so you can see it at night or on your mirror, so you can see it in the morning and in the evening.
Repeat it at least three times every time you see it.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]I see in my mind a clear picture of myself having already accomplished my own true goal. #affirmation[/shareable]