Frustration is probably starting to sink in. Are you one for setting New Years resolutions and goals at the beginning of the year? Had BIG ideas filled your head as the freshness of the New Year stirred your bravado? Maybe things are going well, and you’ve just gotten things rolling, or you feel in the groove with your new weight loss program or the business project you put together with your partner. If so, kudos!
As for me I sometimes wonder if I have ADD, or whatever they’re calling it. I tend to think of myself as a pretty upbeat person, always interested in getting involved in something new. It’s the getting started part that always gets me going. Then that idea needs a place to go, some landing gear, but before I know it I’m off to a new challenge. Am I the only one?
Recently I’ve been waking up in the mornings feeling concerned about the different projects I’m working on and ideas I have about my business or about my family, my children’s needs to be specific. In those early hours, I tell myself how I’m going to do something about it. I’m not always coming from strong, positive position, but I’m moved.
Then the day starts and I go from one thing to the next. Before I know it, I’m struggling to get to those things that are so important to me, before the day ends. Sigh!
When it comes down to it, we need something big to motivate us beyond those things that will try to stop us along the path to achieving our goals.
I have found two great keys for me are one, feeling my why and two, being clearly SMART in writing the goal down.
- A simple rule of thumb is, your why should make you cry. I’m not kidding. If you are not stirred up enough emotionally, you’ll quit when the challenges and rough spots show up along the path. This will probably be within the first two months of the year or after the first two hours of your day. You can cry tears of joy over what your reaching for, or tears of pain over something you are trying to get away from. Either way, engage your emotions.
- Writing your goal down goes without saying. Use the SMART method to map out your goal. Your goal must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-framed.
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Are you afraid your goals are just gonna end up on a pile, discarded as so many other stilted attempts at making change happen? Perhaps you’re feeling worried that you don’t have the willpower to see things through? Here are some tips that have helped me stick it out and achieve steady success in my goal setting.
- Keep your goal fixed and be flexible with your plans. The plans may change but the goal remains.
- When it comes to major business or life goals, make sure that you do something that moves you in the direction of your goal daily. If not, don’t make it a goal, put it on a list of ideas or wishes.
- Connect to a strong emotional reason for achieving your goal. You’ll need it when you don’t feel like doing it.
- Write your goal down and go over it regularly at your weekly review. Measure the progress you’ve made the previous week and make clear plans regarding what you will work on the following week.
- Push yourself. When being realistic, be sure you are still challenging yourself to push beyond your comfort zone. This way the goal is sure to be exhilarating.
- Make failure your best friend. Every time you fall or fail, pick yourself up, learn from the experience, then fix your eyes on the goal and your WHY.
- Celebrate your wins, even the smallest ones. This is where a clearly defined SMART goal is a winner. You are able to measure your progress. Yeah!
Remember, you’ve got greatness in you. Don’t let others, or even your own mind, hold you back from taking a stand for yourself and reaching for something that moves you, be it great or small.
I believe in you! You should too!