I was frustrated and at an all time low. Skeptical doesn’t even start to describe how I felt as I was sitting in an introduction to coaching seminar.
Then something strange, almost magical, happened. I was teamed up with another individual and guided through a coaching model or process if you will. I had picked a topic at random but the clarity and transformation I experienced from simply following the outline was unexpected and real.
In this Video:
00:23 – The Magic is in the Sauce
01:09 – What is the GROW Model?
03:46 – A Coach Gets You To Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
04:57 – Quote from John Russell
05:02 -Affirmation to Help You Move Forward
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Hello! Welcome to CoachingReallyWorks.com, my name is Abe Stone. I am the design coach here.
Today I want todo something special for you.
I know a lot of people have heard about about coaching, they are interested in coaching. They may have talked to coach, or they’ve have dabbled a little bit, but they are trying to understand, “What is it… what is the magic of coaching?” “What are the ways that a coach does this?”
[shareable]What is the magic of coaching? @Abe_Stone[/shareable]I believe that if I can give you a little insight, you can also use this in your own life, for yourself or maybe in the next conversation with a friend who is a little bit stuck.
It is not rocket science. It does take skill, and it is something that a really good coach really dedicates time to learning and gaining experience in, learning about different coaching models, techniques, what are the best ways to approach situations, understanding different aspects of psychology, motivation, and things like that.
Today, I don’t want to get complicated with you. I just want to give you a simple model which is one of the early coaching models that life coaches have used. It is really fun and really simple.
It is called GROW model.
What is the GROW Model?
It is an acronym, it stands for:
- Goals
- Reality
- Options
- Way Forward
I am just going to go through them one by one really quick. I’m not going to take up too much of your time. I hope you find it interesting and useful. I hope that it would either, interest you in working with a coach or maybe use it in your own life.
The goal really is, what is the thing that you want to achieve within that time that you are sitting down and working with a coach?
Okay, what do you want to do? Whether it is a 30 minute session or a one hour session, what is the goal of the session? What is the goal at hand? Where do you want to be, when you are done? What do you want to have? What do you want to experience?
- In some cases you may want clarity.
- In some cases you may want to make a plan.
- In some cases you may want to decide on an option.
- In some cases you may need to make a decision about something you are facing in life.
Many things we can’t finish and conclude in just one session but there is always something that can be done in every time that you sit down for a coaching session.
Now very often, we already have things that are keeping us in a position that we are in or keeping us muddled or keeping us from getting the breakthrough that we are looking for.
That is the reality of our situation.
It helps go through it and if we can explore it, if we can get it all out of the table.
Ask curious questions. Try to really understand.
- What have you tried?
- What have you not tried?
- How well is it going?
- How do you feel on a scale of 1 to 10 about your success?
- How much clarity do you feel you have on a scale of 1 to 10?
- Where is it that you are right now?
Because when you understand where you are now, you go for the next one which is the O.
Here you want to be creative. You want to list as many options as you can. You want to get together, you want to just let the ideas flow, list them up in a piece of paper preferably.
Sort them up by categories or whatever the case is. Whatever it is that you need, just get it all out and don’t ignore any of them don’t belittle them or keep them in your mind and say, “I won’t put that down.”
Really go for it. Find out what your options are.
Do not limit yourself.
Think things like:
- “If I knew what to do, what would I do?”
- “What could I do?”
- “If I secretly had the answer what would it be?”
- “If money was not a problem or a limit, what would I do?”
That gets you into real possible actions and solution.
[shareable]If I secretly had the answer what would it be? @Abe_Stone[/shareable]4. WAY FORWARD
The next one is incredibly important. You never get to finish a session without clear next steps, next action plans, and expectations on things that are going to be done from the session.
You do not want to just sit there, get all your juices going, then walk out the door or just leave it. You want to be able to move forward.
So, this is where your way forward, the W, comes into play.
You want to set a time for when you want to accomplish it. You want to set exactly where you are going to go, who you are going to call, where your going to go, who you are going to meet with, what you need to buy, what you need to research, what next decision you need to be ready make.
Set a time for when you are going to do that, so you can measure that you’ve reached that point and you’ve done it.
[shareable]A coach gets you to ‘Put your money where your mouth is’ @Abe_Stone[/shareable]I recommend using the SMART goal acronym for your guide. I have another post that I can link you to, to help you make a really strong emotionally powerful decision.
And make sure that you are pushing yourself. Challenge yourself to do more. Alright, there you have it.
For now I am going to leave you with a quote.
I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process.”
John Rusell
Managing Director of
Harley Davidson Europe
There you have it, people are getting done. Businesses are growing, people’s lives are changing, things are getting done, because of the coaching process.
And now for the affirmation of the day.
I have great role models, mentors, and coaches in my life and I learn from the best.”
Well, I hope you like this quick insight into coaching and how coaching works, what are some the elements that make it a successful experience that it is thousands of businesses, thousands of lives and relationships around the world.
Maybe you can use it in some ways in your life, in your friendships and in your conversations.
If you have a comment, please leave me a comment in the comment section below. Click the like button on YouTube, if you like it of course.
If you are watching this anywhere else, come over to CoachingReallyWorks.com,. That is where I blog and post these videos and the conversations is there.
That is where is action is really and you will find some amazing life changing videos over there.
This is Abe Stone the life design coach. Bye for now! Take care!