How To Use Mistakes To Supercharge Your Learning

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way that you could know for sure, before you did something, you were going to succeed?

In this Episode:

00:10 – Success is never guaranteed
00:30 – When I first started making the videos
01:15 – Two mistakes in one video
02:00 – How to Use Failure To Move us Forward
02:10 – Apply information forward
02:40 – After the doing we take action
03:20 – The challenge
03:38 – Quote from Woody Allen
04:32 – Affirmation to move you forward in learning

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Are You Forgetting These Key Areas For Experiencing a Balanced Life?

Have you ever had those mornings where you wake up and things seem a little bit funny? You are not sure what it is, you cannot put your finger on it.

You know what you need to do, you’re kind of okay with what is going on but something is not right. It’s a little bit of a nagging sensation that you have in the background?

In this episode:

00:25 – Life Balance Wheel
01:15 – Career
01:22 – Money
01:33 – Health
01:39 – Friends and Family
01:58 – Significant Other/Romance
02:08 – Personal Growth
02:25 – Fun and Recreation
02:42 – Physical Environment
03:00 – Using the Life Balance Wheel
03:50 – Action Task
04:18 – What is happiness?
04:32 – Affirmation for harmony and Balance



Why You Need a Crisis to Change – Or Do You?

I was shocked when I read this line in a post yesterday, “Your brain isn’t just resistant to change; it’s lazy.” I thought about it a bit more and I realised, in a way, it is true.

You have an autopilot control in your brain that is well able to take you as safely as possible through life. It does this in response to the world around you and more important in alignment with the mental image you have developed of yourself and your life over your lifetime.

Last week someone I’m close to pulled back from our relationship. At first I tried to communicate but she responded with the comment, “I’m just having an off day, don’t take it personal.”


Experience Being Grateful Today–Lessons from a Monk

How do you grapple with the idea of gratitude? Often, being consumed with the way difficult experiences affect us, we don’t take time to be thankful for all that there is in our lives which is good.

Gratitude doesn’t come from the good or the beauty we experience or see in life, it comes from who we are. You reaction to anything is simply a reflection of you, it’s not a judgement on that thing, that person, or that event. We project ourselves onto what we see and hear.


6 Ways Your Mind Wants You to Care For It So You Won’t Lose It

I’m gonna assume you have been a giving person and have been living your life out pretty fully. You may feel you’re the only one who sees how much you’ve poured into your life, your loved ones, or your work.

With all that giving, there comes a time when you need to be a little selfish about yourself and your time. Don’t feel guilty about it. Really!


“Aha!” Moments of 16 Achievers – Are You Next? [Infographic]

Oprah has made “Aha!” moments famous, but what really are “Aha!” moments? Perhaps you’ve had one of your own, or maybe several.

Notice how some of the aha moments in this infographic where experienced when people where faced with a difficulty which they didn’t allow to stop them. In fact, it was the opposite, they used it to move in a new direction. They not only overcame the difficulty for themselves but they also helped others in the process.


7 Robin Williams Life Lesson Quotes From the Man Made Us a Little Happier

Though the death of Robin Williams definitely took some of the spark out of Hollywood, I want to celebrate his life and impact on our lives with these seven memorable quotes.

Photo by Eva Rinaldi (Flickr: Robin Williams)
[CC-BY-SA-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

His humor was a great way release stress and get happy. Check out these quotes which show a deeper side of him, with some food for thought and life lessons.


No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.”


How Exercise Makes You Happier and Smarter

What can you do to stop feeling guilty about your level of fitness? Only recently have I finally started to get into the best shape of my life and I’m 42 years old.

I hear you saying, “Setting and accomplishing a goal like this is tough.” I’ll give you some tips you can start using today, which have turned my life around. Before I do, can you guess what is one of the biggest factors that made this change in my life possible? (more…)