What limits are you accepting?

Every year when winter comes around I tend to experience mood swings and feel a little melancholy! Today I was thinking about the limits I have in the area finances and how much money I can make. I was thinking of how I can’t make a break and move into that better financial position I have my eyes on. There are so many things I want to give my children and I was feeling like I was stifled by my own experience, abilities and actions.

I slowly started getting an itch and wondering, “Well, what am I doing to change it.” “What can I do to can I do to step forward right now?”

Since it was early and first thing in the morning I like to take time stimulate my mind and get some spiritually motivating input, I was looking around TED.com to see what might resonate with me. I came across this video by Amy Purdy. Wow, what a perspective change. (more…)

Is it logical to quit?

I don’t like making mistakes. I prefer doing the right things and doing them well.

Yesterday I accidentally got my schedule mixed up and was late for an appointment and missed it all together. It was not the end of the world. However, the fact being that I don’t like making mistakes, this was not easy. On top of it, it did cost me some money in loss of business. I don’t like loosing money either. This sent me for a tailspin in my mind, kicking myself and labeling myself as a failure and so on. (more…)