How To Use Mistakes To Supercharge Your Learning

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way that you could know for sure, before you did something, you were going to succeed?

In this Episode:

00:10 – Success is never guaranteed
00:30 – When I first started making the videos
01:15 – Two mistakes in one video
02:00 – How to Use Failure To Move us Forward
02:10 – Apply information forward
02:40 – After the doing we take action
03:20 – The challenge
03:38 – Quote from Woody Allen
04:32 – Affirmation to move you forward in learning

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Watch the Video:


Why You Need a Crisis to Change – Or Do You?

I was shocked when I read this line in a post yesterday, “Your brain isn’t just resistant to change; it’s lazy.” I thought about it a bit more and I realised, in a way, it is true.

You have an autopilot control in your brain that is well able to take you as safely as possible through life. It does this in response to the world around you and more important in alignment with the mental image you have developed of yourself and your life over your lifetime.

Last week someone I’m close to pulled back from our relationship. At first I tried to communicate but she responded with the comment, “I’m just having an off day, don’t take it personal.”


“Aha!” Moments of 16 Achievers – Are You Next? [Infographic]

Oprah has made “Aha!” moments famous, but what really are “Aha!” moments? Perhaps you’ve had one of your own, or maybe several.

Notice how some of the aha moments in this infographic where experienced when people where faced with a difficulty which they didn’t allow to stop them. In fact, it was the opposite, they used it to move in a new direction. They not only overcame the difficulty for themselves but they also helped others in the process.


5 Hopping Ideas For When Life Disappoints You, or You Stub Your Toe

The other day I stubbed my toe so hard I started hopping around, mumbling to myself. It seems like a crazy reaction to have when I’m in pain, but it’s very common and most of us will do it when we stub out toe.

I believe one simple reason is that when get busy doing something else we are not absorbed by the pain and it quickly falls into perspective. It’s not so bad after all and it soon passes. (more…)

5 Benefits to Waking Up Early and How to Make It Happen (Infographic)

Why would anyone want to get up early? Really! Given a choice, it seems that many of us would prefer to savor those early morning moments in deep sleep. Besides, those late nights are so packed with fun and down-time possibilities. If you want to give it a try here are some tips for getting up early.

This How to Wake Up Early infographic was originally posted at

I’ll  tell you what gets me to rise ‘n shine.  This isn’t for everyone, so consider yourself warned and stop reading right here, if you don’t care to begin getting up early. I mean it! (more…)

5 Things Winners Do When Bad Things Happen

“Oh, my god,” I said, clasping my head in my hands; a look of horror flooding my face. While checking in at the airport I was informed that I had messed up on some paperwork and one of my kids would miss the flight.

I had planned well, prepared way in advance, and made sure everything was in order for the international trip three of my kids would be taking to be with their mother. How could I have been so careless? Now that was a big mistake, and I felt like a huge failure. (more…)

Best Seller’s Cure For My Thought Induced Insomnia. Step 3 Was My Key

Thoughts of work or personal matters can have a way of ruining a good night sleep. Do they sometimes wake you in the middle of the night with a flutter of mental activity? At times it’s stress, then at other times interests or excitement over something you can’t wait to do.

Last night was a mixture of both for me, and now, here I am sitting at Starbucks getting a midday boost as I write this.

I had a profound experience this time. There’s a tool that I’ve used successfully in the past, but had forgotten about until last night. As I struggled to stop “thinking” I remembered, “these are my thoughts. I’m the boss.” (more…)