You Are Not the Problem – Got It?

What happened? Where did you go wrong? What’s got you thinking, “Now that’s a problem”? I know I hate the feeling, when I realize I have a problem. Why is that?

We can get emotionally caught up, trying to figure out what’s wrong with us. I know I do. Self-talk kicks in.

I’m too late.

I can’t do this after all.

I don’t have what it takes.

I’m such a failure.

Something funny started happening to me recently. My thinking has shifted, and I’m slowly starting to feel challenged and excited by problems. This didn’t come overnight. (more…)

Habits … Beliefs … and Eagles

What do these all have in common?

I read a story about an eagle, which had been chained so long to a stake in the ground that he had worn a rut in the ground, by going around and around it.

Photo courtesy of

The bird was getting old. Its master felt sorry for it and thought, “I’m going to set it free!” He took the metal ring off of its foot. Then he took the eagle and tossed it into the air. What do you suppose happened? (more…)

Persist Just Beyond the Point You’d Have Given Up

Sometimes I just wish life would be simpler, but I’ve come to realize, the things that challenge us, help us grow. I laugh when I think of what Bob Proctor said: “If you know what to do to reach your goal, it’s not a big enough goal.” Funny but true!

Photo courtesy of

Trimming the fat around my mid section has been a solid goal of mine for over a year now. It became important to me for several reasons and one of the most important is, I felt it was a reflection of my health not being in tip-top shape. (I wrote a post on this topic.)

I plan to be around as long as possible, to enjoy this gift of a life, and I would say the most emotionally powerful reason for me is that I want to be around for my family and love ones as long as I can.


The Truth About How Failure Changes Everything

A natural reaction to failure can be to pull back and not try again. Having been negatively affected by failure, it’s easy to feel we’re doing the right thing when we try to help others or our children avoid failure and not end up in difficult situations.

The moment I fail, I know I’m at the point of a breakthrough in learning. It’s the point where the new me emerges.

– Robert Kiyosaki

Author of  Rich Dad  Poor Dad


My 8 years old daughter walked up to me with her iPad in her hand, looking a little down. She had accidentally changed a setting and was locked out of being able make changes to the apps she had installed. She is a naturally curious person and in all her exploring on the iPad she had set a restricting password and forgot it.

What limits are you accepting?

Every year when winter comes around I tend to experience mood swings and feel a little melancholy! Today I was thinking about the limits I have in the area finances and how much money I can make. I was thinking of how I can’t make a break and move into that better financial position I have my eyes on. There are so many things I want to give my children and I was feeling like I was stifled by my own experience, abilities and actions.

I slowly started getting an itch and wondering, “Well, what am I doing to change it.” “What can I do to can I do to step forward right now?”

Since it was early and first thing in the morning I like to take time stimulate my mind and get some spiritually motivating input, I was looking around to see what might resonate with me. I came across this video by Amy Purdy. Wow, what a perspective change. (more…)