I’m a weird guy, ’cause I shop like a woman. (excuse my lack of PC) A close friend found a great deal on phone she really liked. The nagging question at that point was, “What if I find a better deal?”

These kinds of thoughts can tend to lead to indecision and the habit procrastination. Oh, and worst of all you miss opportunities. My friend lost the deal on the phone and had to settle for a lesser deal.

In this Video:

00:33 – Why would failing be the smart choice?
00:59 – Secret to speeding up your success
01:05 – Why you’ve been unsuccessful
01:40 – A tale of two choices
03:00 – The original essay on success
03:25 – Quote from Napoleon Hill
03:38 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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I got something for you today, something you are going to want to pay special attention to. I am going to keep it short.

It is really one simple idea and it is a simple idea that has brought success to hundreds of thousands and millions of people.

It has been proven, it has been studied and is the key that many of the successful achievers use in their daily lives.

Okay, before I get into exactly what it is that I am talking about, I think this quote is quite poignant.

Why would failing be the smart choice?

In life we tend to be very careful and we want to do the right thing. We don’t want to get into the wrong business, we don’t want to say the the wrong thing, we don’t want to do the wrong thing,  but sometimes life is about being okay with failure.

This quote is really simple.

[shareable cite=”Unknown”]Fail often and fail faster. [/shareable]

Now, how do you do that and why would you do that?

Why you’ve been unsuccessful

Well, the simple fact is that successful people have failed more than unsuccessful people.

The unsuccessful people, they don’t commit, they are not making decisions, they are afraid, they are holding back, and in many cases it is right in that word that I said a couple of seconds ago, decision making.

So today’s video is about decision making and I would like to encourage you to learn to make decisions faster and to stick with those decisions, stick to them and don’t go changing your mind all the time.

Maybe I’ll do this.”
No, let us go with this idea.”
Wait, I need to do all these research, I need to know all this information before I make a decision.”

A tale of two choices

Well, in my case, recently, I had two situations where I had to make decisions and they were very different from each other.

Choosing a coach

In one situation where I was choosing a life coach, I needed to take time to interview people, I needed it to take the time to consider the qualities of what am I looking for and who I want to work with and then decide on and commit to a coaching relationship with one of them.

So in some cases you do need time. You need to do your due diligence. You need to make sure that you have all the information that you need for the decision you have to make.

Once you do have all the information, go for it, don’t keep waiting, don’t keep stalling, dragging your feet.

In the case of my coach, my coach kind of put a little bit of fire under me and I realized, “I know what I am doing and I’m gonna be unsuccessful if I keep on putting this decision off.” And I made it.

Missed opportunity

In another one I was looking at an opportunity for  income and it wasn’t that big of an earth shaking thing and I just needed to decide.

I had two choices, I was waiting, “Maybe this or maybe that…” Mainly I just didn’t want to commit, I was afraid of making a choice, but no, I make a choice.

If it doesn’t work, I fail and I can then make a different choice, when that is the case but if it is the right choice, I am getting the income sooner, I have involved, and I am taking action. (Read Awaken the Giant Within)

That is one of the keys about this very simple principle. And the simple principle is:

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Learn to make decisions quickly. Move forward through life.[/shareable]

The original essay on success

Alright, here is the quote for the day, and it is from someone who really should know. He is the one who wrote the original essay on success, Thinking and Grow Rich, it is Napoleon Hill.

He studied hundreds of people before putting together this great book, which was really the first book of its genre in personal development and is really giving us the keys to success and understanding it.

Here it goes:

[shareable cite=”Napoleon Hill”]Successful people make decisions quickly and firmly. Unsuccessful people make decisions slowly, and they change them often. [/shareable]

So if you want the key to success this is one of them.

Learn to make decisions quickly and just stick to them.

The affirmation for the day is:

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]I am good at making decisions and I make up my mind easily. #affirmation[/shareable]

I hope this video was of help to you, get out there and make your own decisions, learn to work with them.

Make decision making a flowing and easy part of your life so you can reach your success sooner.

Fail sooner, succeed faster.