Hey, they deserve what they have coming. Right? Feeling angry? It’s just NOT FAIR how some people mouth off and then you have to put them in their place.
Some people love getting under other people’s skin but some people are not really wanting to make people angry. I know, it can look like that sometimes and getting PAST that is not so hard, though it does take some effort. So how do you handle it, when people seem to push all your anger buttons?
In this Video:
00:23 – Good Communication May Be Saying Nothing At All
01:00 – How to Process Overwhelming Anger
02:00 – A Simple Tool for Quickly Processing Your Emotions
02:13 – The Temptation that Will Never Help
02:50 – Quote from – Yotam Ottolenghi
03:05 – Affirmation to Move You Forward
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Do you sometimes struggle with communication?
Do you sometimes find that when somebody does something that gets under your skin, you know that maybe you need to talk about it, you need to do something about it, but you’re just so hot under the collar, you’re so UPSET? And it really bothers you.
Good Communication May Be Saying Nothing At All
I think communication is very important, that it doesn’t just get left undone, you’re ignored, or you walk away from it, but sometimes you don’t need to get into it.
Sometimes it’s just a matter of PROCESSING what you are feeling and what you’re going through and deciding between what’s real and what’s not real. What is just YOU, labelling it, judging it, or getting upset?
[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Feeling angry? Stop, process what you are feeling and going through. Decide between what’s real and what’s not. [/shareable]If you just connected with what’s going on, you would be able to move past it and restore your communication, restore your ability to work together and be in harmony with those people that you are with.
How to Process Overwhelming Anger
I want to tell you about just kind of processing those emotions, all right, and this is something that I did, I had a recent situation with somebody that I engage with a lot and I work with who was saying some things.
There was some communication going on that was really bothering me, really making me upset, things were being said to other people and I was like “Oh, I’m going to put my foot down, I’m going to tell this person off, why are they doing that?” And I full of righteous indignation, if you want to call it that.
I decided, okay, I’m going to talk to them, maybe I will invite them out to lunch and I’ll just give them a piece of my mind. So I sat down to write and I wasn’t actually trying to process it, but I was actually intending to use this and I wrote this whole letter up, really upset. And I got to the end and I just saw all my FEELINGS.
And then I realized, wow, a lot of this is just me, a lot of this is just my emotions that I wasn’t dealing with what I was going through. And that other person was under a lot of pressure, they were experiencing a lot of things, they were responsible for a lot of things that had put them in that position, it was just my PERSPECTIVE at that point. And I just had to calm down.
A Simple Tool for Quickly Processing Your Emotions
So that’s a real key in those kind of communication issues. Number one really take time to process your emotions; JOURNALING is a great tool for doing that and I’d like to recommend a post that I have that will show you how to journal, give you a few tips on how to get started.
[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Journaling is a great tool for processing your emotions before you do something you will regret.[/shareable] [offer-box href=”http://sostartover.com” linktext=”Reminder: Have you checked out my book? I just released “So? Start Over!: Experience Clarity, Do What Matters, Live Your Dream” which includes worksheets, cheatsheets, and bonus material. Click here to check it out!” securecheckout=”true” footnote=”Get It on Amazon”]The Temptation that Will Never Help
And the second thing that is really important about this is, don’t gossip; they’re all dealing with their own things and you need to be able to learn to engage your own emotions and, when necessary, you are going to go talk to the person and you’re going to DO IT WELL, or you’re going to find out that well, you didn’t need to and it was just you and you needed to just simply CHANGE your perspective.
[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Angry? Don’t gossip. Go talk to the person and DO IT WELL, or simply change your perspective.[/shareable]Alright, so I hope those two tips on processing your emotions and dealing with them in a healthy manner, really help you, help you to understand how you can improve communication by looking at and taking CARE of your own thinking and your own work, rather than spreading it and just letting it all out without first processing it yourself.
Okay, well here is your quote for today,
[shareable cite=”Yotam Ottolenghi”]Conflict is very much a state of mind. If you’re not in that state of mind, it doesn’t bother you. #quote[/shareable]Okay, now here’s your affirmation for today and please be sure to put it by your bed and look at it every night when you go to sleep, when you wake up in the morning, say it three times and really internalize it,
[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]I always voice my opinions in a calm, considerate way. I freely express my emotions in a calm and thoughtful manner. #affirmation[/shareable]