You know you’ll make it. You think, “It will be amazing once I get my weight down to 185 lb.” or, “When we get reach $500,000 in revenue we’ll be successful.” or, “Once I can come home at 5:00 to spend time my family I will be happy.”

It’s likely it won’t be amazing, you won’t feel successful, and you won’t be happy. I think you know why.

In this Video:

0:23 – What Achievers Consider Important
0:44 – The Pitfall of Being Goal Driven
01:23 – The Small Fix For the Big Picture
01:42 – Yep, Pull Out a Bottle of Wine
02:02 – Could These Four Keys Bring Fulfillment Today?
03:19 – This One Makes All the Difference
04:30 – Words from Oprah Winfrey and Tom Peters
04:40 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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Watch The Video:


Today, I have something really short and powerful that I want to give you. A lot of people tend to, well, they tend to just let it go because they are just so focus on going forward.

Are Your An Achiever?

If you’re an achiever, if you are interested in success, if you are moving ahead, if you are getting things done, you are a leader in your community, your organization or whatever it is, you know how important it is to have a vision for the future, to have goals and be working toward something, either in your personal life or in business or whatever the case is.

The Pitfall of Being Goal Driven

There is a little bit of problem with that, though, when we are moving towards the next goal and once we accomplish one and we continue to look ahead into the next one and when we keep our vision going out.

When we reach our goal, sometimes we can tend to put off that sense of satisfaction, that sense of accomplishment because we have so much more further that we want to go, we have so much more that we want to do.



The Small Fix For the Big Picture

Now, there is a little solution to this and it is a really simple one. I call it little, because sometimes when we are looking at the big things and the big accomplishments, it seems like there is always a bigger one ahead, so we may not pay attention to one because it seems a little bit small. So I would say this, celebrate all the WINS in your life.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Celebrate all the WINS in your life. [/shareable]

Celebrate all the small wins in your work, in your business, with your family. Whatever the case is, take time to celebrate the small wins.

You’re gonna find that, as you do that, as you take time to savor those moments, as you take time to appreciate the people involved, maybe even just pull out a bottle of wine and relax, whatever the case is, you are going to find that will bring the projected sense of fulfillment that you have in your future into your everyday life and you will be a lot happier and a lot more fulfilled, as you are working towards building that great dream, that great business or that great experience you are working towards.

Could These Four Keys Bring Fulfillment Today?

Alright, now I want to give you an acronym that you can use to look at your wins. It is something that I put a little bit of thought into and I came up with these four words that can help you to bring these small wins into focus in your life and learn how to stop and evaluate them.

✔️ The W is WONDER

Always be ready and willing to see the amazing results, the amazing things that are happening.

Always be in a state of wonder.

Wow! We got this done.”

Wow! He did such a great job.”

Wow! Another target was reached.”

That state of wonder is a big way of celebrating things along the way.

✔️ The next one is I, ITEMIZE.

For lack of a better word, I use the word itemize and by itemize I mean, take time to write them down, take time to post them, take time to text the people involved and be clear about what the wins are.

Sometimes when you are just thinking about it in your mind, you can tend to miss important details, or  tend to let it slip altogether. But no, get it out there.

Itemize it either as group. Talk about it, or journal about it and write about it in some way.

✔️ And now for the N? I think the N is one of the key parts in celebrating wins and it’s NOW.

And by now I mean, now be present. Don’t be thinking about what you could have gone better or how you could have  improved or maybe how you are going to be doing better the next time, or what your future thing is.

No. Be present. Enjoy the moment now! (Read The Power Of Now)

✔️ Alright, and now for the S, SAVOR the moment, savor the win!

Like I said earlier, open a bottle of wine, if it is appropriate or stop and enjoy a snack together or just take a break. Go out, go for a walk, look at the sky. Or find the people who are involved, reach out to them, and go give everybody a hug.

If it is with your children, stop and play a game, have a movie night. Whatever the case is, get excited and savor that win. Make it special and make it memorable.

Don’t forget to download the free cheat sheet, “4 Keys to Enjoying Wins Today.”


Well, I hope you find this little acronym, it gives you a new perspective on looking at the small wins in your life and how you can make them a habitual part of your mode of operation.

Here they are again one more time:

  • Wonder
  • Itemize.
  • Now, be present
  • Savor the WIN

Okay, so here is a quote for today, actually it is two, I had a hard time deciding between these and they are both short, so here goes..

[shareable cite=”Tom Peters”]Celebrate what you want to see more of. #quote[/shareable] [shareable cite=”Oprah Winfrey”]The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. #quote[/shareable]

The affirmation for today is:

[shareable]I celebrate my small wins and that leads to big wins. #affirmation [/shareable]

I hope you find this short training video helpful and that you can make celebrating wins an important part of your life or even of your day when you reach the end of the day, just think about at least one win so you can go to sleep with that that positive feeling in your heart.

Be sure to share your wins to your friends and loved ones as well. Share the love, share the wins.