“Come to the movies with us”, came the beckoning voice of friends. “Can you join a subcommittee to improve an event we’re hosting”, a text from work asked. What do these requests have in common?

These were two unrelated items that came on my radar as I sat trying to focus on completing this post for you. The mind battle I faced, as I subsequently turned each request down, was exhausting but I did. I kept my FOCUS on my priorities. You can learn to do this too.

In this Video:

00:43 – This Will Make You Cry
01:03 – Rituals That Matter
01:40 – Say No to Everything Else Besides This
02:20 – Take Care of Your Lacks This Way
02:48 – 5 Tips to Reduce Operator Trouble
04:53 – Bonus Tip, Find Out Who’s There for You
05:13 – Quote from – Sabrina Bryan
05:28 – Affirmation to Move You Forward

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You probably remember a post that I did not long ago about how what you focus on is what gets done. Now, sometimes it’s difficult to FOCUS and you don’t know how to do it.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]What you focus on gets done.[/shareable]

I want to give you five tips that you can start using today to be able to CREATE that focus that you need in your life, so that you can focus on the things that matter, so you can get things done, so you can see life moving ahead.

Alright, so here they are. These are the five tips that I have been learning, developing, and growing in myself.

I got some of these ideas from Brendon Burchard and I have learned from other great people who I follow them online or I have read some great books.

1. Know Where You are Going – This Will Make You Cry

So here is the first one; you need to have clear direction, you need to have a clear sense of PURPOSE, you have to have something that is drawing you.

I have said this a lot but it’s really true, your why should make you cry, give you that sense of AMBITION so that you have something that you are going towards. And it makes it EASIER for you to focus and tune in to what you are doing.

2. Get a Jump Start on Your Morning – Rituals That Matter

Having morning rituals sets you up for a great day. What it does is that it sets the TONE.

It’s kind of like when you are trying to tune your guitar you have a pitching fork and you hear the tone and then you tune the guitar and it is in tune. Well your day needs that tone so that you can go into it, you can have the strength that you need. (Read Miracle Morning)

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Having morning rituals sets you up for a great day.[/shareable]

Some of these rituals are things like:

  • staying AWAY from anything, getting into WORK right away
  • having a GOOD breakfast
  • taking time to read a good BOOK

Then be ready to jump into your highest priorities as you go through your day.

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3. Know Your Priorities – Say No to Everything Else Besides This

Now point number three is really important because very often we can get busy with so many little things that are really great, that are really fun, but they are not the most important thing, they are not the thing that’s going to really move us FORWARD.

And when we want to focus, when we want to work on that big goal, some of these other things have nothing to do with it, you need to learn to say no to those things that are going to pull you away and focus on what many people call the big rocks.

You know the analogy where you put the big rocks into the jar first and then followed by smaller rocks and sand and water? You need to get a lot more into your day and you can really reach your goals SOONER and get that LASER focus that’s going to propel you FORWARD and really move the needle in your life in whatever area that you are focusing on.

4. Learn – Take Care of Your Lacks This Way

All right, now here is number four and this is something that really helps me focus and that is LEARN. Because when you feel inadequate, when you are trying to focus on and work on something, you don’t know how to do it and you try to figure things out, you can’t focus, you can’t really make progress.

So if there is an area that you are weak in, go, learn, go find out how it’s done, take time to study and as you’re growing and learning, you’re going to find that your ABILITY to focus is going to become stronger because you have the CONFIDENCE to then dig into that thing and really get it done well.

5. Take Care of Yourself – 5 Tips to Reduce Operator Trouble

And now here is number five and this is really important. For your ability to be able to sit down and focus, concentrate on anything for a period of time and even more so if you want to do quality work, you want to get it done right. And that is you need to take CARE of yourself, you’ve got to take care of your body, you’ve got to take care of your mind.

And here are a few simple ways that we take care of ourselves:

  • Getting enough SLEEP at night, really, seven to eight hours; it’s important and it makes a huge difference in your ability to focus, your ability to put your all into a project or anything that you’re working on.
  • Another way that you take yourself is when you’re working, you don’t just sit down and just hammer away at what you need to do and get it done. NO. Work and then take a short break, work, take a short BREAK. There is a rule that come out recently, and science has been studying the mind and how it works. And they found that working in fifty minutes increments at a time in and then taking five to ten minute break and working another fifty minutes really makes the difference in our ability to do quality work, to be able to really be present for whatever it is that we are doing, so that we are not running on EMPTY or just fatiguing our mind and just draining our brain.
  • Another way that you take care of yourself is you plan, because when you plan then you know what’s coming up ahead, you know what’s next and you’re ready for it, you’re not just kind of, “Huh? What?” Reacting and in the moment trying to figure out what to do, but it could pull out that plan and you can keep REFERRING to it.
[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]When you plan, you know what’s next and you’re ready for it.[/shareable]
  • Another big thing that has become very popular recently and it’s actually more of a scientific thing, than a religious thing or a spiritual thing even, and that is MEDITATION. Meditation does a lot for our spirit, it connects us to spirit, it connects us to these things that we don’t see and it also changes our brainwaves and our brain frequency and it really helps to sort of line things up and get us out of STRESS that tends to build up and be sort of get us stuck and it makes us a lot more PRODUCTIVE and focused.
  • And this last one I think is a really important one and it’s EAT WELL. Just eat well, eat the right foods, eat the right kind of foods and eat smaller meals regularly throughout the day rather than big really heavy meals that way you down and kind of PULL away your energy and go all towards digestion.

BONUS TIP: Find Out Who’s There for You

And one more thing to add to this is that find people that can SUPPORT you, don’t try to go it alone. Find people that believe in you, that have that faith and that trust in you that can help you with that motivation that you need and to give you that backup when you need it.

All right, there you have it, some quick tips that I hope will help you to get that focus that you’re looking for in your life and be able to concentrate on these things that really matter to you.


So here’s your quote for today.

[shareable cite=”Sabrina Bryan”]You can do anything as long as you have the passion, the drive, the focus and the support.#quote[/shareable]

And here’s your affirmation for today, post it by your bed or on a bathroom mirror, look at it twice at least when you wake up in the evening when you go to bed, say it at least three times each time.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]I have willpower and focus. #affirmation[/shareable]