Seriously! When you wake up in the morning and need to get to work, do you have plan? How about when you want to go the cinema?

Sometimes we get a little lost when we want to do something we’ve never done before. At those times we need a strategy or a plan more than ever. Most of the time it’s not rocket science.

In this Video:

00:43 – Let’s Make Strategies Simple This Way
00:58 – Can You Relate to My Struggle?
02:31 – The 5 Tips to Kickstart Your Strategy
03:42 – This Is Where SMART Goals Fit In
04:58 – Quote from Tony Robbins
05:19 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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[shareable]Boy! Action, immediate, massive action, is really what’s going to get you through to your breakthrough. @Abe_Stone[/shareable]


Hi there! Welcome to, this is Abe Stone. I’m the life design coach here.

Today I have another video on the exciting series on breakthroughs, on how to achieve and orchestrate breakthroughs in your life and what are the three basic key elements that are essential and are actually a natural part of breakthroughs occurring in our lives.

I made an initial introduction video Please check out the link below, if you want to see all three of them. Today we are going to talk about strategy and once again we are basing this off of Tony Robbins’ study of all of this over the years. It is an amazing insight. (Read Awaken the Gian Within)

What are Strategies?

Today, when we talk about strategies what we are looking at is plans, looking at the way you go about getting to something by sitting out and actually thinking out a process and using a process, a strategy essentially, to get you from point A to point B.

Here’s an example:

A few years ago, actually my whole life, I’ve had a bit of a gut.

I have never been super happy with it but it never bothered me. One day I decided that I got to take care of this, I want to be healthy, and it is a sign that I am not doing very well.

A couple of years ago, I decided that I am going to do this. I am going to get rid of my belly fat and I am gonna get fit.

“So, what do I do?”

What I needed to do was to find someone, find a strategy that was going to work, and that was going to work for me.

So I did. Initially, I started with some other programs. The most recent ones was Tony Horton’s P90X3 series. I was doing one hour, three days a week and it was working really well for me.

I realized I wasn’t making quick enough progress. I needed to fine tune my strategy, fine tune how it was going to work. He came out with a new video series which is only thirty minutes so now I do five to six days a week of thirty minutes. It has made a huge difference. I am working progressively towards my goal and I have had amazing breakthroughs.

I’m no longer the sluggish old Abe that I used to be and the plan has really worked.

I am still looking forward to completely getting rid of my gut but it is well on the way and the strategy is working.

[shareable]Find someone who is doing what you want to do, someone who is going where you want to go and follow them. @Abe_Stone[/shareable]

The 5 Tips to Kickstart Your Strategy

Here are a few tips to help you with setting up your own strategy for whatever it is that you want to change in you life. Maybe it is about money, maybe it is about your health, maybe it has to do with business, maybe it has to do with relationships.

  1. Sit down and have a brain dump. Sit down with a piece of paper and just write as many ideas as you can even if they seem unattainable or not very doable or practical just make a list.
    • Make it a long list as long as you can so you have the resource to pull from.
  2. Think about who has achieved what you want. Who has reached that success that you wan? Who is training other people? Who is helping other people? Maybe it is someone that is close to you, who could be your mentor. Or maybe it is someone in the online world out there. There are so many potential people who can help you reach your goals, who can coach you and give you systems, who can help your strategies come to life.
    • So find someone who is doing what you want to do, someone who is going where you want to go and follow them.
  3. Write out a plan. Pick something from that brainstorm idea and see how it fits together with the ideas of the people that you’ve come across and the ideas from the people who are going where you want to go. Sit down and make a plan for putting those ideas into action.
  4. Choose one action. What is your main action? Get that very clear. How you are going to take that action? Start on a certain date. Call someone. Buy a certain product. Whatever it is. You know the details of your personal situation so, whatever what action is get it set up and start doing it.
    • Preferably I would set up that you have an action that is habitual. Maybe it is a matter of, in the case of exercise, doing certain exercises at certain times. Setting aside certain times on a regular basis to get it done. So decide on that action and get that action done.
  5. Start right away! Do not put it off for the future. Sure, maybe you need to do a few things to get ready. But, boy, action, immediate, massive action is really what’s going to get you through to your breakthrough.

[callout]Read: Make Your Goals Emotionally Powerful, SMART Goals That Rock [Inforgraphic][/callout]

[shareable]Choose one action. What is your main action? Get that very clear. How you are going to take that action? @Abe_Stone[/shareable]

So there you go, five quick tips to help you find the right strategy for you, and make that strategy work for you.

Now, here is the quote for today, it is a quote is from Tony Robbins

Who are you now? What have you decided to become? Make this decision consciously. Make it carefully. Make it powerfully. Then act upon it.”

Tony Robbins

And now I am going to leave you with the affirmation for the week, please read that twice a day, once in the morning and once before you go to bed.

I replace indefinite, vague dreams with specific, detailed goals and action plans.”

I hope you find these five tips helpful.

If you are watching this anywhere else, come over to I’d love to see you there.

That’s were I post all these videos and you’re find more great treasures like this.

I am Abe Stone the life design coach at

Take Care!