If you are like me I’m sure you enjoy fresh starts. Getting caught up in a New Year is exciting. One thing that makes the New Year even better is when we stop to see how things went the year year before.
One thing I like to look over is my posts. Knowing what you were most interested makes it possible for me to give you more of what you want and continue to help you in the best possible way I can.
Here are my top 10 best posts from 2015:
1. 6 Ways to Master Your Feelings and Achieve Your Personal Goals
2. 6 Morning Hacks You May Want to Know About
3. 3 Cheats You Can Use to Get Unstuck Using Questions
4. How to Start Living Your New Story Today
[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Start living YOUR new STORY today![/shareable]
5. Use This Low-Tech Tool to Outsmart Procrastination Now
5. Use This Low-Tech Tool to Outsmart Procrastination Now
6. 3 Reasons Why You Are Not Experiencing Breakthroughs
7. Happy? Are You Making This Mistake Pursuing Your Goals
8. How to Reset Your Mind’s Autopilot
9. 5 Journaling Benefits You May Want to Experience
10. Do You Know About This Domino Effect on Your Results?
From a quick look at these posts I have learned some helpful things about you. I can see what you want and what you are looking for. Here a list of what I gleaned from this list.
- Once again, lists rock. They help you gain a clear understanding of topics and give you a simple point of reference to fall back on, as you grow into new areas of life, and build new habits.
- Leveraging the power of the mind and understanding how to work with your subconscious mind to reach your goals, change your life, or simply learn to be happy are things that are not only fun to learn about but incredibly helpful in day to day living.
- Tips and tools for being productive and achieving your goals are things that many of you are looking for and learning to implement in your daily lives.
I’m very excited about the 2015 growth of the blog and I look forward to what we can do together in 2016.