Become Unstoppable by Aligning These 3 Things

I’m thrilled to give you a peek into a coach’s toolkit today. Have you ever wondered how coaches help clients to find sure footing on the path to reaching their goals? Creating alignment in three key areas puts you on a potentially unstoppable course to achieving your desired results.

When aligned, values, beliefs,  and goals are a trailblazing trio.
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15 Things Not To Believe, and 15 You Might Want To

What are those ideas we call beliefs? Some time ago I thought the only context for them was religious or spiritual. I couldn’t have been more wrong. As it turns out, we are guided by them or held back by them all throughout our lives. What we choose to believe changes everything.

I still remember how years ago, as I started out in the world of coaching, I was amazed to discover the role my beliefs had played in how my life was turning out. There are two broad categories, limiting beliefs and empowering beliefs. The challenge is in learning to recognize them. (more…)

A Story About the Mind’s Ability To Heal the Body, Must See

How accurate are all those stories you’ve heard about the mind healing the body and what is really going on? I was so glad to come across this video from Lissa Rankin, MD. She has been studying this aspect of health and has found some amazing evidence of our mind’s healing power.


While the mind does heal the body, we need others to aid it in the process.  

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The Readings On Your Internal GPS – Align Your Actions with Your Values

The values we hold in side of us are what motivate us to move in a certain direction. Values are also the private rules by which people live their lives. The set of values a person holds to in a certain area of life is like the little motor, so to speak, which propels the boat of a person’s life. When people disconnect from their values or don’t honor them, the boat of their lives simply goes adrift on the sea of existence.

Values are not what we want, but something intrinsic which you absolutely need in your life in order to be true to yourself. – Cherry Claus (more…)

Maximizing the Potential of Those You Manage

Getting on the same page with your team can be frustrating. Do you ever find yourself thinking “How could I have been any clearer, about what I wanted to them to do?” or  “Why can’t they just do this one simple thing?” Managing people, parenting or communicating in general can really test our patience sometimes.

My friend, a business owner and a mother, asked me if I had a book I could recommend, which might help her in management. She could have just done a quick Google search and found something right away.

But she asked me, a coach, and yes, I did have a book in mind. More importantly I felt that I had some tools which are incredibly helpful in any sphere where we work and communicate with people. (more…)

Habits … Beliefs … and Eagles

What do these all have in common?

I read a story about an eagle, which had been chained so long to a stake in the ground that he had worn a rut in the ground, by going around and around it.

Photo courtesy of

The bird was getting old. Its master felt sorry for it and thought, “I’m going to set it free!” He took the metal ring off of its foot. Then he took the eagle and tossed it into the air. What do you suppose happened? (more…)