Tired Of Fitting In? Or, Being You?

Have you ever tried looking into your own eyes in the mirror and giving yourself a sincere compliment? How about trying this, look at yourself in the mirror and sincerely say, “I love you!”

This exercise makes a lot of people uncomfortable. Maybe it’s because of social norms, religious upbringing, or simply from something you believe about yourself that was passed on to you from your parents or caregivers, but that’s a talk for another time.

Right now I want you to be you, and be happy being you.

In This Episode

00:35 – To be or not to be? What will people think?
01:08 – Don’t try to be who you are not
01:38 – Being authentic
01:59 – Getting in debt just to impress and fit in
03:05 – Validation short film
03:57 – Change comes from the inside
04:32 – Observe your self talk
05:13 – Action task: 5-15 min assignment
06:02 – Stop comparing

06:30 – Affirmation to move you forward



How Do You Make Your Ideas and Dreams a Reality?

What ideas or dreams have you been sitting on? What will make them come true? You just have to take the leap and jump in both feet. I did just that this week with my blogging and I began making videos.

In this episode:

00:39 – The challenge when starting something new
01:40 – If you don’t know how to do something find someone who does and learn from them
02:22 – What do you do if you feel nervous?
02:54 – Are you letting these thoughts stop you?
03:30 – Dreaming can be useless without action
04:09 – Affirmation to move you forward


Experience Being Grateful Today–Lessons from a Monk

How do you grapple with the idea of gratitude? Often, being consumed with the way difficult experiences affect us, we don’t take time to be thankful for all that there is in our lives which is good.

Gratitude doesn’t come from the good or the beauty we experience or see in life, it comes from who we are. You reaction to anything is simply a reflection of you, it’s not a judgement on that thing, that person, or that event. We project ourselves onto what we see and hear.


Please Take My 2014 Reader Survey

I want to make my blog better and more relevant to you and your needs and interests. To do that, I need to know more about YOU. In order to do this, I have created my 2014 Reader Survey.

Would you please take a few minutes to fill out my survey? By doing so, you will ultimately be helping yourself. Why? Because you will be helping me make my content even more interesting and relevant to you.

Your input is important to me. The survey is easy to fill out. The survey results are completely anonymous. I can’t tell who said what. Really! And it will only take 3 minutes of your time.

Yep, I’m Happy to Help. Take Me to the Survey!

6 Ways Your Mind Wants You to Care For It So You Won’t Lose It

I’m gonna assume you have been a giving person and have been living your life out pretty fully. You may feel you’re the only one who sees how much you’ve poured into your life, your loved ones, or your work.

With all that giving, there comes a time when you need to be a little selfish about yourself and your time. Don’t feel guilty about it. Really!


“Aha!” Moments of 16 Achievers – Are You Next? [Infographic]

Oprah has made “Aha!” moments famous, but what really are “Aha!” moments? Perhaps you’ve had one of your own, or maybe several.

Notice how some of the aha moments in this infographic where experienced when people where faced with a difficulty which they didn’t allow to stop them. In fact, it was the opposite, they used it to move in a new direction. They not only overcame the difficulty for themselves but they also helped others in the process.


5 Hopping Ideas For When Life Disappoints You, or You Stub Your Toe

The other day I stubbed my toe so hard I started hopping around, mumbling to myself. It seems like a crazy reaction to have when I’m in pain, but it’s very common and most of us will do it when we stub out toe.

I believe one simple reason is that when get busy doing something else we are not absorbed by the pain and it quickly falls into perspective. It’s not so bad after all and it soon passes. (more…)