How is it that some things, as much as we love the idea of doing them, just take a lot out of us to get going?

Inertia! This is what’s happened to me when working on getting this website going.

I love people and I love working with people. In fact all the work I’ve ever done has involved working with people or helping people in some way. Don’t get me wrong. I’m no saint!

The point is, this site is about what I love and what I do! This site is a key component of where I”m taking my career, yet getting started has been a huge challenge for me. Not because I don’t want to, not because I can’t, not because I don’t have the know-how.

Inertia is the only thing that has kept me from getting going, aside from wanting to have it all figured out before I role with it.

But I’ve made my decision and I know it’s a work in progress but jumping into it with both feel seems to be the only way to make the break. So here I am, with the very first post and I want to encourage you, if there’s something you’re wanting to do but haven’t gotten around to yet, to just go for it.

Make the decision, take action and enjoy the ride. It’s way more exiting than sitting around, waiting for everything to be perfect.