Have you been caught up in the idea that you need to love or care for yourself less that others. A business owner, wife, mother, home-maker, and friend of mine has been doing fine following that line of thinking but found a little adjustment to be just what the doctor ordered. Really!

When was the last time you took time for yourself?

In this Video:

00:25 – She Decided She Wanted to Dance
01:45 –  What Can You Do For You?
02.08 – You Can Afford It
02:32 – Quote from Jean Shinoda Bolen
02:55 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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Hello this is Abe Stone at CoachingReallyWorks.com!

There are probably hundreds of ways that we show our love, care, and attention to those that we care about: those that are in our family, our love ones, boyfriends, girlfriends, relatives that we want to show our appreciation to, but what about ourselves?

Have you ever thought about how much time you take to really show care and appreciation to yourself?

She Decided She Wanted to Dance

I have a friend. She is a great person. She owns her business. She works with her husband doing what she loves. She teaches English.  Her business is growing. She is basically involved in it all the time and that is what she is passionate about.

In all that she does – she has a happy marriage, her children are really growing up well,  but in all that she found that there was something that she really wanted to do. She kind of wanted to do this for herself and it had nothing to do with her business or caring for her family, her loved ones or children.

She just really wanted to do something for herself and she held back from it for years.

Make the Decision

One day she made the decision to just go and do it. For her it was dancing. She loves dancing. She wanted to get better at dancing. When she was a child she even had dreams of becoming a professional dancer but life did not go that way.

Now, today, instead of putting off that desire and that interest, that fun she wanted to have, she went out, signed up for dancing classes and she goes out dancing several times a week or at least once a week.

The point is… She is taking time for herself.

From what I last heard, it hasn’t affected or cut back on her business or her time with her family, and her children. In fact she is a happier person because she has been able to meet that need.

What Can You Do For You?

Now, what are the things that you can do to give yourself that love?

Treat yourself and show yourself that care.

Some of the things may be simple things:

  • Just putting some flowers in the kitchen just to brighten up your kitchen. Something that will make you feel good, something that you like.
  • Perhaps taking time just to learn something that you want to learn like in the case of my friend dancing.
  • How about going out and getting a massage? Just go somewhere sign up and have them pamper you.

You Can Afford It

One of the things that holds us back is MONEY.

One solution that you can use for that that side of things, if you want to do things that involve money, which many things do, is to make a small budget for yourself.

Take a some of your money every month and set it aside for fun. Your goal should be, just to blow that money by the end of the month. Do not save it. Do not accumulate it. Just spend money on yourself regularly and have fun doing it. (Read Secrets of the Millionaire Mind)

Here is a quote for today:

When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.”

– Jean Shinoda Bolen

Here is the affirmation for today:

 I respect myself and treat myself with kindness and love. I am loved and accepted exactly as I am.”


I hope the short video was of help to you. I would love to hear your ideas on the subject.

Please let me know what would you like to treat yourself to?

Leave a comment in the comment section below or go over to Facebook and put a comment there.

This is Abe Stone. A life design coach at CoachingReallyWorks.com

Take Care!