3 Keys to Regretting Fewer Missed Opportunities (by Overcoming Fear Sooner)
It was my teenage daughter’s birthday, and we suggested she could have friends over for a part if she liked. “No, I’m okay,” was her quick reply. This was a couple of years ago.
Overcoming fear of calling people up on the phone wasn’t something she was gonna tackle just then. She new we wanted her to be the one to call around and organize it, and she didn’t feel comfortable doing that.
So, she missed an opportunity for a party I’m pretty sure she would have loved. She’s come a long way and recently planned a birthday movie outing with her friends.
In this Video:
00:20 – The Learned Beliefs That Keep You Back
01:45 – Where My Fear Was Rooted and That Magic Post-It
03:15 – Time Doesn’t Heal Everything
05:25 – And That’s How Your Comfort Zone Grows
06:05 – Your Limits are Blown Away Here
06:38 – 1. Recall Source
07:30 – 2. Find Motivator
08:30 – 3. Take Action
03:48 – Quote from – Ashton Kutcher
04:15 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward