9 Ways Being Real in Life is Scary, and What You Can Do About It Today

Feeling the need to be real in our lives, be it in love, at work, with friends, or with your family can be stressful, if we are not used to opening up.

Fear is the biggest thing that stands in the way, specially if we’ve been hurt or had bad experiences after we tried to open up or be real with others in the past.

Have you found yourself thinking some of these thoughts? (more…)

5 Things to Remember When You Feel Overwhelmed by Poor Health

I got hit by a cold bug that was going around last week. Wondering if I was going to make it through this one actually kept me awake one night.

I was feeling pressure because of my kids and the fact that they need me to put food on the table for them. But as my sister said, “It’s not that dramatic.”

It does feel that way sometimes. Maybe if nothing else, you’re just concerned that you won’t lose any pay and can meet your financial obligations.

Making it out the other end of feeling-pretty-miserable I realized a few things that make a DIFFERENCE.

1.  Stop pushing yourself and your body.

Chances are, being sick is your body saying, “I need a BREAK”. If you can’t get off work, try SKIPPING coffee and sugars, which push your body and drain the energy it needs to heal. Take naps and got to bed earlier, if you can.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Chances are, being sick is your body saying, ‘I need a BREAK’. [/shareable]

2.  Remember what is important in your life.

In my case I had realized I hadn’t been spending much TIME with my kids. I slowed down, played a game with them, and relaxed. They are the MOST IMPORTANT thing to me right now. You my readers high on the list as well. 😉

3. Get help.

You should see a doctor. I wasn’t that bad off and, like I said, in my case I vented my thoughts on my sister. TALK to someone. My sister’s candid reaction, “It’s not that dramatic”,  helped RELEASE THE TENSION I was feeling.

4. Hold off on important or life changing decisions.

When you’re down you often just need a BREAK from it all. Being in a low state may influence you to make the wrong decision, just because you are feeling low at the moment. Most DECISIONS CAN WAIT.

5. Give your body what it needs.

You may need to take medicine. Sometimes all you need is HEALTHY EATING. Try move vegetables and fruit! I my case I have a few additional tricks I like to use for cold and cough type illnesses: vitamin C with bioflavonoids, propolis, salt gargle, lemon and baking soda drink, and painkillers if needed.

(This post is not medical advice. It is for informational purposes only. You should consult a doctor if you are feeling sick.)

You  will get to know your body, if you pay attention and listen to the signals it gives you. The most important thing is to take care of yourself so you can have the strength and energy to keep BEING AWESOME.

[shareable cite=”Joyce Meyer”]I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you. [/shareable]

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]I am grateful for the healing that is happening in my body. #affirmation[/shareable]

How to KEEP connected to what MATTERS, in spite of the holiday season

Hi friends! I hope you had a FUN week with Halloween spooks and DRESS UP parties.

This post is for everyone but I want to give a quick shout out to ANYONE who is in transition. Good luck and STAY focused.

You may remember that I’m in currently transition, moving from China to US. During this PROCESS I’ve been working very hard to keep my focus on the big picture but now the holiday is upon us already.

ALL OF US can tend to  feel overwhelmed once the HOLIDAY SEASON hits. There just seems to be one event after the other with increasing demands on our TIME and WALLET.

It can be so easy to slip into AUTOPILOT and let everything and everyone else’s demands crowd out our PRIORITIES and our GOALS. Getting through the holiday’s with your integrity intact requires some focus and that focus needs to be on YOUR VISION.

How do I do that? How can YOU do that? Watch and find out.


P.S.  I’m reading and awesome book called The POWER of HABIT. It’s amazing. I’ll be sharing some of the insights I’ve connected to in upcoming but if you wanna read just click here. 🙂

5 Easy Steps to Gain Back Your Confidence, and Belief

I hear you saying, “But I can’t have that (fill in the blank), because (fill in the excuse).” How about “I’m too _____ to ever be good at _____.”

Some of these beliefs about yourself are a little less logical but just as limiting. “He never listens to me.” “She’s not will to do this or that for me.” Your story could be drastically changed with some simple challenging questions.

In this Video:

00:25 – Limits You May Have Set and Believe
00:46 – The Sources of Learned Limitations
01:20 – Byron Katie’s Formula Passed Down to Me
01:35 – Identify It and Ask This Question
01:54 – The Challenge
02:15 – Connecting to the Effect
02:28 – A Peek at Possibility
02:40 – Ready to Believe Your Choice
03:04 – Quote from – Les Brown
03:26 – Affirmation to Move You Forward

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5 Things That Give You Better Focus in Your Life

“Come to the movies with us”, came the beckoning voice of friends. “Can you join a subcommittee to improve an event we’re hosting”, a text from work asked. What do these requests have in common?

These were two unrelated items that came on my radar as I sat trying to focus on completing this post for you. The mind battle I faced, as I subsequently turned each request down, was exhausting but I did. I kept my FOCUS on my priorities. You can learn to do this too.

In this Video:

00:43 – This Will Make You Cry
01:03 – Rituals That Matter
01:40 – Say No to Everything Else Besides This
02:20 – Take Care of Your Lacks This Way
02:48 – 5 Tips to Reduce Operator Trouble
04:53 – Bonus Tip, Find Out Who’s There for You
05:13 – Quote from – Sabrina Bryan
05:28 – Affirmation to Move You Forward

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100 People Who Prove It’s Not Too Late For You To Start Something New [Infographic]

Do you ever get that feeling sometimes that you missed an opportunity? Chances are, you’re probably over 30 and you feel like maybe you could have done something different with your life, or you really wanted to do something but you never got a chance to start.

Maybe you’re over 40 and you say “Oh, there’s no point in starting anything now, there’s no point in doing something new now.”

In this Video:

00:15 – Which One Best Describes You?
00:52 – Chinese Proverb
01:12 – Quote from – F. Scott Fitzgerald
01:30 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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The Decision Making Skill Highly Successful People Use Daily

I’m a weird guy, ’cause I shop like a woman. (excuse my lack of PC) A close friend found a great deal on phone she really liked. The nagging question at that point was, “What if I find a better deal?”

These kinds of thoughts can tend to lead to indecision and the habit procrastination. Oh, and worst of all you miss opportunities. My friend lost the deal on the phone and had to settle for a lesser deal.

In this Video:

00:33 – Why would failing be the smart choice?
00:59 – Secret to speeding up your success
01:05 – Why you’ve been unsuccessful
01:40 – A tale of two choices
03:00 – The original essay on success
03:25 – Quote from Napoleon Hill
03:38 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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6 Helpful Apps To Easily Boost Your Personal Growth

I recently discovered that eating late was affecting my sleep negatively. You’re thinking, “I could have told you that. Everyone knows that.” I had heard it too but I wasn’t convinced, until I used a simple app which showed me what was happening.

Though technology has its drawbacks, and can tend to overcrowd our lives with information and distraction, there are a lot of upsides as well. I this post I have some tips for using technology to hack your personal growth and self-care.

In this Video:

00:20 – Six Apps I Use Personally
00:35 – Quality Sleep Increases Cognitive Ability
01:30 – When You Need to Quickly Relax or Concentrate
02:15 – The Personal Assistant of the App World
03:28 – When Good Music is Just What the Doctor Ordered
03:55 – Give Your Brain a Break, Try This
04:45 – Find All Your Favorite Bloggers in Just One Spot
05:30 – Quote from Thomas Jefferson
05:43 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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