Become Unstoppable by Aligning These 3 Things

I’m thrilled to give you a peek into a coach’s toolkit today. Have you ever wondered how coaches help clients to find sure footing on the path to reaching their goals? Creating alignment in three key areas puts you on a potentially unstoppable course to achieving your desired results.

When aligned, values, beliefs,  and goals are a trailblazing trio.
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4 Insights on Managing Disappointment, Turn Defeat on Its Head

“That’s what happens, when…” “She did this, because…” “It must not have been meant to be, or else…” “Today is going to be a good day, because…” What meaning are you reading into what happens or doesn’t happen in your day, your week, or the last couple of months?

Photo courtesy of

The brain is an advanced meaning making machine.
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Potentially disappointing situations come up in everyone’s life, but do we really have to be disappointed? What word is the opposite of “disappointment”. It seems many people often say, “It was great. I wasn’t disappointed.” It almost sounds like disappointment was the default. I’d say being pleased by an outcome or experience should be our expectation. (more…)

5 Benefits to Waking Up Early and How to Make It Happen (Infographic)

Why would anyone want to get up early? Really! Given a choice, it seems that many of us would prefer to savor those early morning moments in deep sleep. Besides, those late nights are so packed with fun and down-time possibilities. If you want to give it a try here are some tips for getting up early.

This How to Wake Up Early infographic was originally posted at

I’ll  tell you what gets me to rise ‘n shine.  This isn’t for everyone, so consider yourself warned and stop reading right here, if you don’t care to begin getting up early. I mean it! (more…)

5 Things Winners Do When Bad Things Happen

“Oh, my god,” I said, clasping my head in my hands; a look of horror flooding my face. While checking in at the airport I was informed that I had messed up on some paperwork and one of my kids would miss the flight.

I had planned well, prepared way in advance, and made sure everything was in order for the international trip three of my kids would be taking to be with their mother. How could I have been so careless? Now that was a big mistake, and I felt like a huge failure. (more…)

15 Things Not To Believe, and 15 You Might Want To

What are those ideas we call beliefs? Some time ago I thought the only context for them was religious or spiritual. I couldn’t have been more wrong. As it turns out, we are guided by them or held back by them all throughout our lives. What we choose to believe changes everything.

I still remember how years ago, as I started out in the world of coaching, I was amazed to discover the role my beliefs had played in how my life was turning out. There are two broad categories, limiting beliefs and empowering beliefs. The challenge is in learning to recognize them. (more…)

35 Habits Productive People Use that Help You Get More Done (I Have 23) [Infographic]

What do productive people do to get that way? I know productivity isn’t everything in life, but it sure is important. A good friend of mine showed me this info-graphic recently. Her comment was “It made me think of you.”  I was surprised to find that I actually do 23 of the things listed here.

I can’t say that the whole list resonates with me, or that I would recommend them all.

As a coach I see several things on this list I use to work with clients. See if you can spot them. Be sure to check it out and see which ones can add value to your life. (more…)

(Images) 17 Love Quotes to Take You Deeper

With all the buzz about love, I thought of seeing what Google had to say. Considering a picture is worth a thousand words, I simply typed love in my search for images. Here’s a screenshot of the results. Does Google take love to only be the romantic love between two people who love each other? Well, it does seem to be the dominant view.

As I scrolled down in my search (17 mouse scrolls to be exact) the theme didn’t change much. I believe the love between two people who love each other is a wonderful thing. It’s been attributed as a key to a success in life by many of the greats throughout history. In fact, experiencing it at some point in life is an essential part of a rich full existence, but how about some of the other, less talked about, aspects of love.

Consider some of the alternative images of love I found as I searched a little deeper. (more…)