How Leaders Break Through Limited Thinking and Get New Results

Is your life running on autopilot? You deserve recognition for being able to maintain your life, family, or work at the level you have. Kudos! Now, what do you believe could be possible if you got in the driver’s seat?

Sometimes thinking is the last thing in the world you want to do. In the past, my life had largely been a reactionary one and my thinking and decisions were simply done out of necessity in order to manage events and keep my life humming in maintenance mode, following my thoughts, following other’s thoughts and ideas, following the way life happened to turn out. (more…)

6 Steps You Can Use to Turn Your Desire into Reality

Did your parents tell you to be content with what you have, when you were growing up? Mine did and I know they meant well. Sometimes people ask, “Why can’t you just be happy with your job?” or career, income, status, etc. That desire in your gut is an often misunderstood and maligned part of the healthy you.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s essential to be content with what we have. I strongly believe showing gratitude for all the good in our lives is a must if we are continue receiving. However, it is my belief that, to quell desire on its existence alone is a mistake, if we are to grow, develop, and reach our full potential. (more…)

Ask, “Really?” and Take Charge

It happened. The unexpected came to pass and now you’re screwed. Really? Something happened. So what? Are you gonna go through door number one, door number two or door number three? As crazy at it may seem, you’ve simply been presented with   choice.

Yes, those crazy things that come at us can be so frustrating. Problems may come from our boss or a relative, or even a complete stranger. Maybe there it’s just a failure or mistake on our part. In the end there’s nothing you or I can do about what happens.

This is the fascinating thing though, we always have a choice in how we react. Our mind is an incredible meaning machine. (more…)

What You Can Do About the Paradigm Holding You Back

That feeling in your gut can be terrifying. You know, the one that comes at a moment when you need to choose. “Do I want to stay where I am in life, or do I want to move on to something else?” Myself, I wanted to dance. I didn’t know how to, but I wanted to be were people were having fun. So how did I make that happen?  What keeps some people from taking that kind of a leap?

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As I look back, I realize something. When I was young it was easier to make changes or do something new. Why? I was growing, learning, and finding out about life.

As I’ve gotten older, those choices and the decisions I’ve made, have formed into my paradigm. In our youth we are still very engaged in the process.  Then, we settle over time. (more…)

How a Super Star Tackles Fear in Acting, With a Coach’s Insight

I often prefer not to have to face a problem or difficulty.

Many of us shrink at the first sign of fear in our minds or hearts. We can tend to opt for the flight option in our instinctive fight or flight response. True, it is safer! Besides, what if we fail?

Our flawed thinking is that we can just skip that a failure and move on to a success. In the end the question I like to ask is:

Do I want to stay where I am, or do I want growth and change?


The Truth About How Failure Changes Everything

A natural reaction to failure can be to pull back and not try again. Having been negatively affected by failure, it’s easy to feel we’re doing the right thing when we try to help others or our children avoid failure and not end up in difficult situations.

The moment I fail, I know I’m at the point of a breakthrough in learning. It’s the point where the new me emerges.

– Robert Kiyosaki

Author of  Rich Dad  Poor Dad


My 8 years old daughter walked up to me with her iPad in her hand, looking a little down. She had accidentally changed a setting and was locked out of being able make changes to the apps she had installed. She is a naturally curious person and in all her exploring on the iPad she had set a restricting password and forgot it.

A Key Ingredient for Reaching Your Goals

A young gentleman called me a few weeks ago saying: “Hi Katrin is there a book you would recommend to me about success or anything of that sort?” I thought, “hmm ‘anything of that sort’ sounds rather general”. Even ‘success’ sounds broad and undefined. What is success anyway? I’d suppose success has as many different definitions as there are people, as for each one of us success takes on a different meaning.

What does it take for you to feel successful?

Commonly success is referred to achieving some desired outcome or goal which allows the person to have something in their life which they value, such as more money, or position, a dream relationship, or the body shape that makes them feel attractive, or something else. Immediately they focus on figuring out what they need to DO in order to HAVE what they want. Yet a few weeks down the line, in spite of working hard to do what others advise them to, you might see them back at square one, despondently claiming “nothing works”.


Coaching is for Achievers

A friend of mine told me of a girl he knew who had been working with a coach. She only recently discovered what coaching is all about and was very inspired to notice how it was making a difference for her. She shared her enthusiasm about having a coach with some friends of hers. One of them who claimed to know about coaching apparently replied with a comment along the lines of: “Oh, it’s so commendable, dear, to hear you being honest and open about having a coach. Most people don’t want others to know when they are receiving help.” The girl was taken aback a bit by the remark and went back to my friend full of questions why someone would have such a perspective on coaching.

When I heard her story I felt rather saddened by this apparent misconception of what coaching is all about.
