Ask, “Really?” and Take Charge

It happened. The unexpected came to pass and now you’re screwed. Really? Something happened. So what? Are you gonna go through door number one, door number two or door number three? As crazy at it may seem, you’ve simply been presented with   choice.

Yes, those crazy things that come at us can be so frustrating. Problems may come from our boss or a relative, or even a complete stranger. Maybe there it’s just a failure or mistake on our part. In the end there’s nothing you or I can do about what happens.

This is the fascinating thing though, we always have a choice in how we react. Our mind is an incredible meaning machine. (more…)

Maximizing the Potential of Those You Manage

Getting on the same page with your team can be frustrating. Do you ever find yourself thinking “How could I have been any clearer, about what I wanted to them to do?” or  “Why can’t they just do this one simple thing?” Managing people, parenting or communicating in general can really test our patience sometimes.

My friend, a business owner and a mother, asked me if I had a book I could recommend, which might help her in management. She could have just done a quick Google search and found something right away.

But she asked me, a coach, and yes, I did have a book in mind. More importantly I felt that I had some tools which are incredibly helpful in any sphere where we work and communicate with people. (more…)

A Key Ingredient for Reaching Your Goals

A young gentleman called me a few weeks ago saying: “Hi Katrin is there a book you would recommend to me about success or anything of that sort?” I thought, “hmm ‘anything of that sort’ sounds rather general”. Even ‘success’ sounds broad and undefined. What is success anyway? I’d suppose success has as many different definitions as there are people, as for each one of us success takes on a different meaning.

What does it take for you to feel successful?

Commonly success is referred to achieving some desired outcome or goal which allows the person to have something in their life which they value, such as more money, or position, a dream relationship, or the body shape that makes them feel attractive, or something else. Immediately they focus on figuring out what they need to DO in order to HAVE what they want. Yet a few weeks down the line, in spite of working hard to do what others advise them to, you might see them back at square one, despondently claiming “nothing works”.


Five Great Questions

I was listening to Robin Sharma‘s life changing audio book The Greatness Guide this morning. In chapter 24 “On Obituaries and the Meaning of Life”, he suggest asking yourself five questions at the end of each day.

When it comes to leading a rich life so much is determined by the quality of the questions we ask. Robin has found in his work as a success coach, that one of the dominant traits of extraordinary people is the discipline of be more reflective than most of us. So ask profound questions. Good questions lead to excellent answers, and greater clarity is the DNA of authentic success and personal greatness.

Here are Robins 5 questions which he suggests have great potential to help you to think deeply and connect with what matters the most. Ask yourself these five questions today, write your answers in your journal, talk about them, think about them.

Did I dream richly?

Did I live fully?

Did I learn to let go?

Did I love well?

Did I tread lightly on the Earth and leave it better than I found it?

These questions have brought some wonderful insight into my life and I’m so happy I’ve been able to spend more time thinking, reflecting and asking the right questions. It is my hope that these questions will help you in some way and enrich you life with more clarity and meaning.